View Full Version : NFL.com Game Pass

09-14-2006, 06:24 AM
There has been some talk about watching NFL games over the internet legally. I stumbled across one. However, due to certain contractual restrictions with the NFL, you can only watch these games outside of the US. Now for 9 out of 10 Zoners, that sucks balls, but fir the few of us that live outside of the country due to our jobs, it works out pretty good. Just thought I would share this.


09-14-2006, 07:36 AM
From what I undersatnd, these restrictions should be lifted by next season. There has been reports that for a small fee (more like 200-300) you can PPV any game from your computer. I can't find the link right now, but it was a USA Today article that included the names of Yahoo and I think AOL as online hosts to watch the games.