View Full Version : Why the Bills are like the U.S. Government...

10-26-2006, 09:22 AM
I have noticed a lot of people... well most people actually... complaining about those of us "realists" who aren't afraid to criticize a player, coach, or the organization altogether.

When we do so, usually making good points a long the way, we are met with comments like "If you don't like it, then leave!" or "You're not a true Bills fan"

Perhaps putting it in a different context will help some of you who only see things as black or white, fan or non-fan.

I love the USA. I would say that 99% of us on these forums love the USA. We love what this country was based on, the good times that it has provided (freedom of speech, etc), and the fact that we have a say in how the government is run (via voting for elected officials).

I also love the Buffalo Bills Organization. I love what this organization is based on, the good times that they have provided us (4 straight AFC championships), and I love the fact that if we speak loud enough, they are bound to listen (parking lots opening up earlier, stadium improvements, etc)

All of that said, I think a lot of people here tend to think that while it is completely acceptable, and in fact, OUR DUTY to question, challenge, and scrutinize our Federal, State, and Local governments... many people here feel that questioning, challenging, and scrutinizing our beloved Buffalo Bills organization is off limits.

Some would say that the greatest fans of America were and are the ones who loved it enough to challenge it. Dr. Martin Luther King, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln to name a few. Maybe what some of you should keep in mind is that those of us who consistently question what the Bills are doing... whether it be on the field or off, may simply love the organization so much, that we are trying to invoke change for the benefit of all.

This is perhaps a very long winded idea... but if you really think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Some of us question the Bills because we feel that it is our duty to not wear rose colored glasses all of the time... much like we, as Americans, question our government.


10-26-2006, 09:30 AM
Wow that's deep, man.

Does this make ICE the Malcolm X of Bills football?

Is Skooby our William Henry Harrison?

10-26-2006, 09:42 AM
Does this make ICE the Malcolm X of Bills football?

More like the Joe McCarthy.

Is Skooby our William Henry Harrison?

I see him as more like Billy Carter.

10-26-2006, 09:58 AM
Wow that's deep, man.

Does this make ICE the Malcolm X of Bills football?

Is Skooby our William Henry Harrison?

You damn right I am! Fight the power baby!

10-26-2006, 10:01 AM
Thank you pride! See homers get all torqued when you critique a team or its players. I don't have to like GW Bush, or Nixon or Carter or whomever to still love the US. I don't have to like Ralph Wilson to love the Bills.

The presidents have done plenty wrong and so has ralph. Thats just how it is. it doesn't make us non American to point out and ***** about what is wrong with our country (and there is plenty) and you surely aren't a non bills fan if you point out the many things wrong with the team.

Jan Reimers
10-26-2006, 10:01 AM
Good post, Pride. I think most fans are more critical of their favorite teams simply because they care so much, just the way parents are often more critical of their children, whom they want so badly to succeed.

I think constructive, intelligent criticism is great. But I wish certain of our fans would give credit to the Bills when credit is due, and stop hating certain players so much that they hope that player or players fail.

When you hope for a player to fail, you are really hoping for the team to fail. I consider that strange if you're a fan.

10-26-2006, 12:27 PM
You talked about the good things about the Bills too, not just the bad. I got major issues with people that just point out the bad and never say anything good. Most of us are shades of gray, however there are alot of fans that are black and white also.

10-26-2006, 12:34 PM
They're both in crappy shape and nothing is gonna change until at least 2008.

10-26-2006, 12:57 PM
Wow that's deep, man.

Does this make ICE the Malcolm X of Bills football?

Is Skooby our William Henry Harrison?

No, Skooby's our Dan Quayle.

10-26-2006, 01:53 PM
Interesting thoughts, Pridester.

I think the Bills situation is unique in that people may feel that criticizing the team could hasten it's departure.

I don't personally think that's the case myself, but I could see how some might.