Army Ranger Ordered To Hide Information From Tillmans Family

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  • gr8slayer
    Registered User
    • Feb 2005
    • 20796

    Army Ranger Ordered To Hide Information From Tillmans Family

    An Army Ranger who was with Pat Tillman when he died by friendly fire said Tuesday he was told by a higher-up to conceal that information from Tillman's family.

    WASHINGTON -- An Army Ranger who was with Pat Tillman when
    the former football star was cut down by friendly fire in
    Afghanistan said Tuesday a commanding officer had ordered him to
    keep quiet about what happened.

    The military at first portrayed Tillman's death as the result of
    heroic combat with the enemy. Army Spc. Bryan O'Neal told a
    congressional hearing that when he got the chance to talk to
    Tillman's brother, who had been in a nearby convoy on the fateful
    day, "I was ordered not to tell him what happened."

    "You were ordered not to tell him?" repeated Rep. Henry
    Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and
    Government Reform.

    Kevin Tillman
    AP Photo/Susan Walsh
    Kevin Tillman, brother of NFL star-turned-Army Ranger Pat Tillman, testified for the family before Congress on Tuesday.

    "Roger that, sir," replied O'Neal, dressed in his Army

    The revelation came as committee members questioned whether, and
    when, top Defense officials and the White House knew that Tillman's
    death in eastern Afghanistan three years ago was actually a result
    of gunfire from fellow U.S. soldiers.

    The committee also heard from Jessica Lynch, the former Army
    private who was badly injured when her convoy was ambushed in Iraq
    in 2003. She was later rescued by American troops from an Iraqi
    hospital, but the tale of her ambush was changed into a story of
    heroism on her part.

    Still hampered by her injuries, Lynch walked slowly to the
    witness table, took a seat alongside Tillman's family members and
    said the heroism belonged to others who fought in Iraq, such as her
    roommate Lori Piestewa, who died in the same ambush in which Lynch
    was captured.

    "The bottom line is the American people are capable of
    determining their own ideals of heroes and they don't need to be
    told elaborate lies," Lynch said.

    Tillman's death received worldwide attention because he had
    walked away from a huge contract with the NFL's Arizona Cardinals
    to enlist in the Army after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

    His family was initially misled by the Pentagon and did not
    learn the truth for more than a month. Tillman was awarded a Silver
    Star based on fabricated accounts -- who fabricated them still isn't
    clear after several investigations.

    Fish: Hearing 'just the start'

    The questions surrounding the friendly-fire death of former NFL star Pat Tillman weren't answered at Tuesday's Congressional hearing, so Mike Fish says the debate will continue. Story

    "We don't know what the secretary of defense knew, we don't
    know what the White House knew," Waxman said. "What we do know is
    these were not a series of accidents, these stories. They were
    calculatedly put out for a public relations purpose. ... Even now
    there seems to be a cover-up."

    Kevin Tillman was in a convoy behind his older brother, a former
    NFL star, on April 22, 2004, when Pat Tillman was mistakenly shot
    by other Army Rangers who had just emerged from a canyon where
    they'd been fired upon. Kevin Tillman didn't see what happened.
    O'Neal said he was ordered not to tell him by then-Lt. Col. Jeff
    Bailey, the battalion commander who oversaw Tillman's platoon.

    "He basically just said, sir, that uh, 'Do not let Kevin know,
    he's probably in a bad place knowing that his brother's dead,"'
    O'Neal testified. "He made it known that I would get in trouble,
    sir, if I spoke with Kevin."

    O'Neal said he was "quite appalled" by the order.

    Bailey's superior officer, then-Col. James C. Nixon, has
    testified to the Defense Department's inspector general that he
    ordered that information on the facts of Tillman's death be shared
    with as few people as possible so that the Tillman family would not
    learn those facts through news media leaks. That, in turn, shaped
    Bailey's guidance to his troops.

    The Army said initially that Tillman was killed by enemy gunfire
    while trying to help another group of ambushed soldiers. The family
    was not told what really happened until May 29, 2004, a delay the
    Army blamed on procedural mistakes.

    Kevin Tillman and Tillman's mother, Mary Tillman, also testified
    Tuesday but were not in the room when O'Neal spoke.

    After the hearing, Mary Tillman approached O'Neal, introduced
    herself, embraced him and sobbed.

    Kevin Tillman, in his testimony, accused the military of
    "intentional falsehoods" and "deliberate and careful
    misrepresentations" in the portrayal of his brother's death.

    "Revealing that Pat's death was a fratricide would have been
    yet another political disaster in a month of political disasters
    ... so the truth needed to be suppressed," the brother said.

    "Our family will never be satisfied. We'll never have Pat
    back," Mary Tillman testified. "Something really awful happened.
    It's your job to find out what happened to him. That's really

    Last month the military concluded in a pair of reports that nine
    high-ranking Army officers, including four generals, made critical
    errors in reporting Tillman's death but that there was no criminal
    wrongdoing in his shooting -- a conclusion the family has disputed.
    The Army is reviewing the actions of the officers.

    In questioning what the White House knew about Tillman, Rep.
    Elijah Cummings, D-Md., cited a memo written by a top general seven
    days after Tillman's death warning it was "highly possible" the
    Army Ranger was killed by friendly fire and making clear his
    warning should be conveyed to the president. President Bush made no
    reference to the way Tillman died in a speech delivered two days
    after the memo was written.

    A White House spokesman has said there's no indication Bush
    received the warning in the memo written April 29, 2004, by
    then-Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal to Gen. John Abizaid, head of
    Central Command.

    Questioned by Waxman, Defense Department Acting Inspector
    General Thomas F. Gimble said he did not believe the memo ever went
    to the White House.

    Gimble said that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld sent him a
    letter around the time Rumsfeld left office last December saying he
    hadn't known Tillman's death was from friendly fire until around
    May 20, 2004. Abizaid told Gimble he was traveling in the war
    theater and didn't see the memo saying Tillman's death was possibly
    friendly fire until after Tillman's memorial service.

    Mary Tillman dismissed the suggestion Abizaid hadn't seen the
    memo as "ridiculous," and said she believed Rumsfeld must have
    known. "The fact that he would have died by friendly fire and no
    one told Rumsfeld is ludicrous," she said.

    The committee had wanted to hear from retired Lt. Gen. Philip
    Kensinger, who was in charge of Army special operations and came
    under the heaviest criticism from military investigators for
    misleading information about Tillman's death.

    Kensinger's attorney sent Waxman a letter last week saying that
    if Kensinger were called to testify he would refuse to answer
    questions, citing his Fifth Amendment right against

  • WWJKD???
    Registered User
    • Apr 2007
    • 9

    Re: Army Ranger Ordered To Hide Information From Tillmans Family

    F**king disgraceful. Sickening. I feel horrible for the families of these brave soilders who are dying for a bunch of lies.

