View Full Version : Fantasy Football, Forsooth! Former Jets Fullback Realizes ‘Dorky’ Comic-Book Vision

G. Host
01-18-2008, 07:11 AM

He teamed with a writing partner, Joshua Goldfund, to create something called the National Triumph League, which is currently being produced as an animated Internet series by NEHST Studios, with voice casting beginning in the next couple of weeks. “The idea is that there are 10 teams, government-sanctioned teams to catch Moriarties, or villains,” Mr. Barnes explained, “and they get points based on how powerful the Moriarities are, and you lose points based if you do any damage to civilians or a building or the landscape.”

And he’s far from giving up the sport that brought him Super Bowl glory (with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers); as of press time, Mr. Barnes was in the midst of negotiating a deal with the Buffalo Bills. What do his fellow footballers think of his little sideline? “They would call me a big dork,” he said unperturbedly.

He hasn't been just working on his body, he has been working his creative muscles as well.

01-18-2008, 02:04 PM
joshua goldfund

wow great name
