Who's Really at Fault?

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  • Joe Fo Sho
    Making Spirits Bright
    • Mar 2006
    • 6194

    Who's Really at Fault?

    Alright guys, let's relax a little bit and calmly discuss who is actually at fault in this whole bumble f*** of a situation we have here now. As much as I hate Dicky J, we all know that it can't be entirely his fault. I've put a list of Joe Fo Sho's top reasons that the Bills suck below, along with a description of who I believe is at fault.

    The O-Line sucks

    The guy at the top of this list almost has to be Marv Levy. This guy tried to bring in B-League talent and pay them top dollar. When the Bills realized what they were getting for the money, they had to cut them.

    Also, can you really blame Jauron for trading Peters?! What coach in their right mind would say "Yeah, we should not pay Jason Peters. I mean, we have a guy name Demetrius Bell that will be just fine to man the LT spot. I'd rather not resign him to big money even though we're going to be wayyy under the cap this year." You gotta blame the guys at the top for this, and it starts with Ralph. Jauron wanted to keep Peters, I'm almost sure of it.

    Trent Edwards Blows

    This guy will not take a chance if his life depended on it. I don't know if his confidence is shot or what, but he will not throw into coverage. Anyone remember the last time you've seen a completed pass to a covered receiver? The last I can remember was against the Redskins and the Browns. Both of those games were in the last minutes of the game when we were losing. He can make the throws he just won't.

    You may be able to blame Jauron for this, but I gotta believe Dick wants Trent to take more chances. He even said that in a press confrence during the preseason. It's hard for me to blame the coaches for this one, as Trent has had THREE offensive coordinators, and he's sucked with all of them. How come JP had plays where the recievers ran 15-20 yard routes??? Trent needs balls, that's my theory.

    Free Agent Signings

    Let's be real, our free agents have blown for the past 6 or so years. Name a couple impact players that we've signed in free agency??? The most recent one I can think of is Spikes, and where is he now? San Fran? On a pretty good defense.

    The fact that we're not willing to shell out cash for the top tier free agents is not Jauron's fault, it's the front offices/Ralphs.

    The whole cash to cap thing fits right in here as well. I can't say that I truly understand it, but I'd have to say that it sucks. Was it Jauron's idea to implement this policy? Nope, again it's the FO/Ralph.

    Conservative Play Calling

    All Jauron here, no need to explain. GO FOR IT ON 4TH DOWN ONCE IN A WHILE!

    Cover 2 Defense

    I hate this thing as much as anyone, and the only one to blame for it is Jauron. But honestly, how many losses year can you blame of the defense? Zero, that's how many. If you were to tell me before the Saints game that New Orleans would have 10 points midway through the 4th quarter, I'd tell you that Buffalo was going to win by double digits. Trent blows.

    Putrid Draft Choices

    I honestly don't know who to blame here. I have no idea what it's like in the war room on draft day and neither does anyone here. How much of the decision is made by Jauron? How much by John Guy or whoever the hell does our scouting? Is Ralph in the mix? What about when Levy was here?


    If I were to put a percentage on it, I would say the Jauron is only 30-40 percent to blame. This front office and Ralph cover the remainder. I can't stand some of the personnel decisions made by this team.

    I don't know, I'm just throwing my 2 cents out there. Feel free to throw out some other issues and who's to blame. I would love for someone to convince me that firing Jauron and hiring Billick/Marty/Shanny/Whoever will solve this teams problems.

  • OpIv37
    Acid Douching Asswipe
    • Sep 2002
    • 101344

    Re: Who's Really at Fault?

    It starts at the top. Ralph hired Levy, who in turn hired Jauron and failed to bring in talent. Ralph hired Brandon, who in turn failed to bring in talent. Also, when Donahoe left, Ralph kept all his lackeys like Brandon, Guy and Modrak.

    The common assumption that Ralph doesn't spend money on players has pretty much been put to rest. However, Ralph goes cheap on coaches and FO personnel, so when he spends money on players, he spends it on the WRONG players.

    If you follow the causal chain back far enough, there is only one man to blame.
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    • Joe Fo Sho
      Making Spirits Bright
      • Mar 2006
      • 6194

      Re: Who's Really at Fault?

      Originally posted by OpIv37
      It starts at the top. Ralph hired Levy, who in turn hired Jauron and failed to bring in talent. Ralph hired Brandon, who in turn failed to bring in talent. Also, when Donahoe left, Ralph kept all his lackeys like Brandon, Guy and Modrak.

      The common assumption that Ralph doesn't spend money on players has pretty much been put to rest. However, Ralph goes cheap on coaches and FO personnel, so when he spends money on players, he spends it on the WRONG players.

      If you follow the causal chain back far enough, there is only one man to blame.
      So, there's really no hope until the team is sold? I gotta believe that Ralph had good intentions when he hired Levy though, right? You think if, for example, the team had a legit GM and hired, say, Marty Shottenheimer, that the Bills would be able to right the ship?


      • Meathead
        Insufferable ***** and perpetual crybaby
        • Jul 2002
        • 21349

        Re: Who's Really at Fault?

        i blame bush
        One set of rules for all in the beloved community


        • trapezeus
          Legendary Zoner
          • Oct 2004
          • 19525

          Re: Who's Really at Fault?

          it's all in the lack of being able to find coaches and players. someone started a thread about john guy and modrak's failures. it's like a 5 year old's wishlist for christmas. their hits are countable on one hand. i don't think a great QB, a great coach can do anything under the current structure. i get the sense that ralph is being coached by his inner circle to go a different direction but to wait until the end of the year.


          • Yasgur's Farm
            • Feb 2005
            • 7091

            Re: Who's Really at Fault?

            1 hope only... Hire Bill Cowher as president and let him blow it all up!


            • OpIv37
              Acid Douching Asswipe
              • Sep 2002
              • 101344

              Re: Who's Really at Fault?

              Originally posted by Joe Fo Sho
              So, there's really no hope until the team is sold? I gotta believe that Ralph had good intentions when he hired Levy though, right? You think if, for example, the team had a legit GM and hired, say, Marty Shottenheimer, that the Bills would be able to right the ship?
              sure, the right people can right the ship.

              But will Ralph ever get the right people?

              Look, I don't honestly think Ralph wants to lose. I think he tries to balance winning with the bottom line. He wants to win, but he's only willing to spend so much to do it. Unless Ralph changes his mentality and really commits to winning, then I don't see things changing anytime soon.
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              • Joe Fo Sho
                Making Spirits Bright
                • Mar 2006
                • 6194

                Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                So let's say that they fire Jauron...

                Why would any respectable coach want to come to this team? If Ralph hired Cowher, would he need to give him more power with respect to the personnel? Would Ralph be willing to do that?

                I hate Jauron as much as the next guy, but it seems like firing him would be like putting a bandaid on slit wrist. Is the FO on the hot seat as well as Jauron?

                I can only hope Parcells wants to complete the AFC East circle.


                • sdbillsfan2
                  Registered User
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 1164

                  Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                  Q.)Who's Really at Fault?

                  A. ) Any fans who has bought a Bills ticket

                  Any fan who has bought a Bills jersey, football , program, beer , cap, jacket, or any fan who has help to pad Ralph Wilson's bank acct all these years.

                  Okay , So the fault isn't really ours in total, but we Do have to accept some responsibility for being satisfied with the status quo all these years. While we all may shelter some fear of the Bills moving away in the middle of the night , it's worked against us all these years. My opinion is that if the fan base doesn't not speak up , show their disapproval for the second class operation we've support year after year, not much will change.

                  Until we (the paying public) express the fact they won't except the same crap any more , Ralph and the front office won't hear us
                  Ultimately, the buck has to stop at RW's desk. I think for as much good he's done for the community at large , he's also fallen short of the mark.
                  50 years and so little to brag about. 50 years and so little to be proud about .
                  The last couple days , I can honestly say , I'm more proud to be a Bills fan! No , I'm not crazy. I'm starting to see fans step up , and more so, some of the best talent ever to wear a Bills uniform also voice their dissatisfaction with the current day Bills.
                  I guess what it all boils down to is this. While we may not be directly to blame, all those" Bills bucks"we spend every year speak loudly. The ball is our hands !
                  Trust me Ralph Wilson can hear the sound of a dollar fall all the way from Detroit!

                  Consider this one man just babbling and take it for what it's worth.

                  " I'd try to see things from your point of view but..........there's only room up your a** for one head ! "


                  • Pinkerton Security
                    Pinkerton's son
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 6003

                    Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                    Originally posted by Joe Fo Sho
                    So let's say that they fire Jauron...

                    Why would any respectable coach want to come to this team? If Ralph hired Cowher, would he need to give him more power with respect to the personnel? Would Ralph be willing to do that?

                    I hate Jauron as much as the next guy, but it seems like firing him would be like putting a bandaid on slit wrist. Is the FO on the hot seat as well as Jauron?

                    I can only hope Parcells wants to complete the AFC East circle.
                    Well Mr. Joe, here's the thing....if you actually think Dick deserves 35-40% of our losing ways and our losing mentality, how can we ever get away from that?

                    Dick is not a winner, never has been and never will be. Therefore I feel that the only way to remedy the situation is to bring in a winning coach. If we were to fire Jauron and bring in some other schmo, then i agree its not even worth it.

                    WE NEED A WINNER. Singletary has transformed the losing attitude in SF and has that team believing in itself. We need that!!


                    • Joe Fo Sho
                      Making Spirits Bright
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 6194

                      Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                      Originally posted by pinkdogg32
                      Well Mr. Joe, here's the thing....if you actually think Dick deserves 35-40% of our losing ways and our losing mentality, how can we ever get away from that?

                      Dick is not a winner, never has been and never will be. Therefore I feel that the only way to remedy the situation is to bring in a winning coach. If we were to fire Jauron and bring in some other schmo, then i agree its not even worth it.

                      WE NEED A WINNER. Singletary has transformed the losing attitude in SF and has that team believing in itself. We need that!!
                      Right, I guess Dick should drop is drawers during halftime, that'll do it.

                      I still think Edwards is a huuuuge problem for this team, him and the O-Line. I think this team would be able to win with a legit QB and a half way decent O-Line.


                      • OpIv37
                        Acid Douching Asswipe
                        • Sep 2002
                        • 101344

                        Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                        Originally posted by Joe Fo Sho
                        So let's say that they fire Jauron...

                        Why would any respectable coach want to come to this team? If Ralph hired Cowher, would he need to give him more power with respect to the personnel? Would Ralph be willing to do that?

                        I hate Jauron as much as the next guy, but it seems like firing him would be like putting a bandaid on slit wrist. Is the FO on the hot seat as well as Jauron?

                        I can only hope Parcells wants to complete the AFC East circle.
                        Actually, Ralph would have to shell out to get Cowher, BUT... then he'd just need a Cowher yes-man as GM so he could scrimp a little there. It would still cost more in the long run though, so it's up to Ralph.

                        Personally, I think Ralph should pay WHATEVER it takes to get Cowher.
                        MiKiDo Facebook
                        MiKiDo Website


                        • Pinkerton Security
                          Pinkerton's son
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 6003

                          Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                          Originally posted by Joe Fo Sho
                          Right, I guess Dick should drop is drawers during halftime, that'll do it.

                          I still think Edwards is a huuuuge problem for this team, him and the O-Line. I think this team would be able to win with a legit QB and a half way decent O-Line.
                          I agree we will never win if Trent plays this way. I guess I am just not of a fan of his coaching style and just like you think Trent has no balls, he may get that from Jauron because that exactly what I think of him....Yep, Dick has no balls.


                          • Pinkerton Security
                            Pinkerton's son
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 6003

                            Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                            Originally posted by Joe Fo Sho
                            Right, I guess Dick should drop is drawers during halftime, that'll do it.

                            I still think Edwards is a huuuuge problem for this team, him and the O-Line. I think this team would be able to win with a legit QB and a half way decent O-Line.
                            oh and if Dick dropped his drawers and our team started playing with some guts like the Niners, then yes, he should do that!!


                            • Joe Fo Sho
                              Making Spirits Bright
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 6194

                              Re: Who's Really at Fault?

                              Originally posted by pinkdogg32
                              I agree we will never win if Trent plays this way. I guess I am just not of a fan of his coaching style and just like you think Trent has no balls, he may get that from Jauron because that exactly what I think of him....Yep, Dick has no balls.

                              Last edited by Joe Fo Sho; 10-08-2009, 07:56 PM.

