View Full Version : Turn up the heat Bills fans! It's the only way we'll be heard.

10-14-2009, 10:53 PM
The billboard was a great move but if we don't keep this coup up it'll be forgotten and tossed aside when different news filters through. If we want change we need to stay persistant and make it happen. The brown bags, the fire dick now t-shirts, the billboard...we need more. Everybody do what ever you can to protest and show your opinion.

This sucks! I'm going to start by writing mass emails to every beat writer I can think of that reports Bills news to express our desire to not back down until we see change for the better. they have already heard and seen plenty but we can't let up!

10-14-2009, 11:02 PM
I agree with what your saying 100%

Still the best way to show displeasure is empty seats at the stadium on Sundays. It is far and away the biggest hit you can make statement wise.