Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

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  • Canadian'eh!
    Registered User
    • Mar 2004
    • 12879

    Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

    Forked from: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

    Originally posted by Ebenezer
    I always tell my students that I view my role as a professor as that of a coach. I deliver to them the material, teach them how to learn it and understand it and be able to discuss it with some smarts. I have taught some rather average students, who are more than willing and wanting to get better and learn, to get some some pretty decent grades.......for the semester that I am teaching them. I can talk them up the day of the test and "motivate" them but if they are ill prepared it doesn't matter what method of "motivation" I choose they won't do well. After that they have to step up and keep it going and there is no guarantee that they will understand other aspects of their education. In sports we have this belief that somebody can get in a player's grill and scream at them and they will perform. You have to have the teaching aspect before you can succeed at the screaming issue. If Ryan succeeds it is because his staff can teach not because he "motivates" on Sunday.

    I wanted to fork this thread to be sure you see it Eb. My message is important to me, and demonstrates WHY Jauron is and always will be a failure as a coach.

    Eb. I feel as though you left out something here.

    Do you have to get in their faces and yell and scream constantly? No. It gets tuned out when overused. But can that be affective as a kick in the ass when someone with potential is screwing up? absolutely.

    But even more importantly. I've had many many teachers and professors over the years. Some give the info and teach them to use it as you stated. But the TRULY GREAT ones were the ones who inspired you to WANT to know it. TO WANT to excel. That made you look forward to learning what they had to teach you, and were passionate about teaching it to you. That passion is infectious. When the teacher is passionate about teaching and what they are doing, you become motivated to learn. You want to see what they are so interested in for yourself.

    So yes. "coaching" is in large part, giving you the correct information, and showing you how to use it. But if you want to be great at it, you also have to make them WANT to learn it, and do that by being passionate enough about it for them to see that this is a great thing.

    There will be some students that the message doesn't get through too no matter what you do, just as there are some players that can't be motivated to be the best they can be. In the NFL it's your job to weed those guys out. They are never gonna make it. There will be some guys who are so self motivated they don't need it as well. But the ones in the middle are the ones you need to help to in both life and the NFL.

    Dick is incapable of doing that. I don't know if he's giving the right information or not. But I KNOW he's not inspiring anyone. I hope for your students sake you do. If not there is a lot of potential out there that you are letting slip away. Sometimes it only takes 1 professor to inspire that, and sadly there aren't a lot of them who do.
  • Canadian'eh!
    Registered User
    • Mar 2004
    • 12879

    Re: Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

    Also... I am not a teacher. But I DO coach youth Basketball. I'm not a cheerleader coach though. I am careful to balance good and bad, but I always correct the kids mistakes. But most of all, I try to inspire every player to be the best he can be. Even though i've had lots of kids who outright stink. (it happens). I take every kid aside and try to give him 1 thing he can do well, and get him to do it. Some never listen, some take that one thing and give it 100%. Sometimes it's as simple as playing defense... then i praise the hell out of them for a great job. I usually get everything they have from that point on. I've also made a kid cry by benching him halfway through a shift for yelling at a referee. That kick in the ass lead him to play his best game of the year.

    It's a balance... even when the players are 9.


    • Ebenezer
      Give me a minute...
      • Jul 2002
      • 73867

      Re: Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

      Originally posted by Canadian'eh!
      Forked from: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening. Do you have to get in their faces and yell and scream constantly? No. It gets tuned out when overused. But can that be affective as a kick in the ass when someone with potential is screwing up? absolutely.
      In sports, sure. I'll give you that that will work every now and then but if anybody thinks one man screaming can pull 53 together every week - they're crazy.

      Originally posted by Canadian'eh!
      Forked from: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening. But even more importantly. I've had many many teachers and professors over the years. Some give the info and teach them to use it as you stated. But the TRULY GREAT ones were the ones who inspired you to WANT to know it. TO WANT to excel. That made you look forward to learning what they had to teach you, and were passionate about teaching it to you. That passion is infectious. When the teacher is passionate about teaching and what they are doing, you become motivated to learn. You want to see what they are so interested in for yourself.
      Amen. After a semester of what these kids must think is somebody who escaped from an asylum I come right and tell them that I did everything I thought was necessary to get them going. I'll be the cause of their laughter in the class and the brunt of their laughter outside of it. I'll take all the mocking and jabs that I am sure go along with the way I teach...and I don't care because if in the end it made one kid reach a level they wouldn't normally get to then I have succeeded.

      For all the education and practice each of us undergoes, the achievment of mastery is ultimately the outcome of a personal quest for understanding.


      • Nighthawk
        Getting old waiting for a championship in Buffalo!
        • Jul 2002
        • 15437

        Re: Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

        It's not about yelling and's about knowing what one is doing and knowing how to get a team to where they ultimately want to be. Jauron's problem is that he is a perennial loser and that type of person can't teach a bunch of young guys how to win when he has no clue how to do it himself. Passion for the game and emotion (on some level) is very important...a person has to believe in something and Jauron just doesn't seem to believe in anything he does, so the team seems to not care either.


        • DynaPaul
          Registered User
          • Sep 2003
          • 7540

          Re: Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

          I think part of it is fear. The players have to fear not screwing up and making their team and coach look bad. I don't see that kind of fear in anyone's eyes on the team. All I see is a general feeling of nonchalance, lethargy, apathy, and complacency.


          • Ebenezer
            Give me a minute...
            • Jul 2002
            • 73867

            Re: Forked Thread: Sullivan rips Jauron with some stats that are sickening.

            Originally posted by Nighthawk
            It's not about yelling and's about knowing what one is doing and knowing how to get a team to where they ultimately want to be. Jauron's problem is that he is a perennial loser and that type of person can't teach a bunch of young guys how to win when he has no clue how to do it himself. Passion for the game and emotion (on some level) is very important...a person has to believe in something and Jauron just doesn't seem to believe in anything he does, so the team seems to not care either.
            True...but the types of motivation most fans want don't work over the length of the season. We all here it. Be passionate, be yelling, be forceful. DJ could be all of those things and this team would still lose over the course of a season if he and his staff fails to teach even if he has vision. Vision is easy. Getting it in place is another.

            For all the education and practice each of us undergoes, the achievment of mastery is ultimately the outcome of a personal quest for understanding.

