View Full Version : HUMOR: Bills continue to look for executive chef.

01-13-2010, 11:54 AM
While the bills remain without a coach, another brutal storm is brewing at OBD. Due to years of poor cafeteria food, the Bills fired head chef Jick Dauron in the middle of the season last year.

The happy employees of OBD had high expectations that a better chef could be brought in. "Chef jick would always run out of supplies and try to use chicken broth to salvage any of his broken recipes," said one employee.

Ralph Wilson and Russ brandon promised the employees that the cafeteria service would be upgraded immediately. They were even quoted that "cost doesn't matter any more. Just getting good food out is paramount."

Russ and Ralph set out to discuss the openning of head chef with Emeril, rachel ray, and an array of top notch chefs. While the contracts were above market, to a man (and woman), they declined. Rumored is that the kitchen is in dire need of updates. The stove is barely functioning and the starter light that fuels the whole thing doesn't work at all. The bills for 4 years running have updated the silverware, but left the crux of the kitchen in utter disrepair.

Emeril, the biggest name rumored to at least think about taking the job, wanted proof that the kitchen would be updated and the team stay in buffalo.

Ralph responded with some sarcastic comment not worth mentioning. As backup the bills have looked at lunch ladies at prisons and local elementary schools ready to make the jump up. However, with the recent hire of buddy nix as sous sous chef, even the lunch ladies are turning down the bills. "I feel like feeding hyper children sugar filled foods is more to my culinary delight than working for a faux executive kitchen. I realize buddy nix is good at picking key ingredients, but i've never seen him work a kitchen before.Nothing works and its rumored that they won't even buy real meat. Ralph likes steak-ums when his teeth are in."

Other kitchen jobs around the NFL have been filled with prominent chefs out of cooking school or with credentials one would expect for such a job. Often times its been filled in under a day. The bills remain without food for the time being for the second straight week. Luckily ralph only eats creamed corn soup.

As for the rest of the bills and their faithful employees, they're left to starve.

01-13-2010, 04:34 PM
Thats funny I applied for the EX Chef job a few years back......

01-13-2010, 04:40 PM
for the bills? or somewhere else?

01-13-2010, 04:43 PM
Wow, this is becoming sadder by the minute... If this is true, we are definitley not getting any great coordinator to come here.

lol, but really...funny thread.

01-13-2010, 05:19 PM
:rofl: Thanks...i needed a laugh!

01-13-2010, 06:10 PM
Weird, out of no where thought, that will get me alot of strange looks, Humor and Rumor are just one letter off.....

01-13-2010, 06:21 PM
Nice :laughter:

With Ralph eating cream corn and steak ums. I hope the plumbing is in good shape :D

01-13-2010, 08:25 PM
Chef Nico, teenage diva of The Mighty Taco, has declined to interview with the Bills. However Bert Smith, head chef at Bert's Ashtabula Eatery, and creator of the 1960s classic dish Cheerios ala Yogourt et Carotte (Cheerios tossed with non-fat, plain yogurt and julienned carrots), will be wined and dined by Russ Brandon Thursday and Friday.

01-13-2010, 09:43 PM
for the bills? or somewhere else?