View Full Version : Pegula hires top investment banker

07-02-2014, 05:41 PM
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07-02-2014, 06:21 PM
Pegula is making all the right moves, while Donald Trump tells America to prepare for, "Financial Ruin."

I think these irresponsible comments by Trump should automatically disqualify him from the bidding process.

If Trump thinks America is headed toward financial ruin, he should go build a bunker and start, "prepping."

I don't want Trump anywhere near the NFL. He clearly does not understand how the US government keeps about 13 sets of books, and no currency in the world can challenge the US Dollar, or the US military.

Trump should go start a professional football league...in Russia.

Go Terry!

Kiss the future, $8ck the past!


07-02-2014, 09:56 PM
If Pegula buys the team I sure hope that he has enough sense to see that this front office has done nothing but crapout and replaces them.

07-03-2014, 11:10 AM
If Pegula buys the team I sure hope that he has enough sense to see that this front office has done nothing but crapout and replaces them.

Get rid of:

Littman the bean counter
Overdorf the guy who has been here way too long
Brandon the slick used car salesmen who has been putting lipstick on a pig for quite some time now.

Keep Whaley for now and give him a chance but restructure the rest of the front office

07-03-2014, 12:00 PM
Trump has ZERO intention with regards to the Bills. NONE. ZERO.

Trump loves seeing his name in the media/paper, that's all. Ignore him, and his so called intentions of owning the Bills. He gives zero ****s about the NFL or the Bills, just wants the publicity.