View Full Version : That whole EJ up the middle debacle...

09-16-2016, 04:49 PM
It hasn't been 24 hours and I still can't bielive I saw that in an NFL game. It was on the level of that colts play vs NE few years ago.

How does Rex get paid millions? The worlds a dirty place

09-16-2016, 06:20 PM
I agree it was one of the most painful things to watch I have ever seen.

09-16-2016, 06:37 PM
I agree it was one of the most painful things to watch I have ever seen.
Didn't it work?

09-16-2016, 10:59 PM
Sending your 6'5 240lb battletank QB up the middle isn't a bad idea. But what in the everloving **** was he thinking running out both QBs and trying a fake-wildcat, fake-hardcount BS? It's like the guy designs plays by adding everything he's ever seen in a play before and putting it all in at once.

09-17-2016, 05:10 AM
Sending your 6'5 240lb battletank QB up the middle isn't a bad idea. But what in the everloving **** was he thinking running out both QBs and trying a fake-wildcat, fake-hardcount BS? It's like the guy designs plays by adding everything he's ever seen in a play before and putting it all in at once.

It is a bad idea when you have a fullback. And a running back. And a warmed-up starting QB. It is a stupid idea. Patently stupid.

09-17-2016, 05:18 AM
Everybody does that. The fault with the idea is there aren't any options other than get the penalty, run up the gut, or take a timeout/penalty. There should be a pass or pitch option also.