View Full Version : Fins @ Bills GDT !!

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12-16-2022, 03:44 PM
Go Bills !!

12-16-2022, 10:21 PM

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!


12-16-2022, 10:22 PM

12-16-2022, 11:11 PM
20-10 good guys

12-16-2022, 11:56 PM
Beasley 3 first downs
Bills 28 fins 6

12-17-2022, 12:42 AM
Go Bills !!

12-17-2022, 01:41 AM
Go Bills


12-17-2022, 02:43 AM
How’s the weather?

12-17-2022, 02:53 AM
Does Beas lead them out of the tunnel?

12-17-2022, 02:53 AM
Let's go Buffalo, may the squishing commence.

12-17-2022, 03:48 AM
Great hype video!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Good morning, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/Y8NVI1VDuV">pic.twitter.com/Y8NVI1VDuV</a></p>&mdash; hops (@hops716) <a href="https://twitter.com/hops716/status/1604120844229259265?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 03:54 AM
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfdGltZWxpbmVfbGlzdCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOlsibGlua3RyLmVlIiwidHIuZWUiLCJ0ZXJyYS5jb20uYnIiLCJ3d3cubGlua3RyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRlcnJhLmNvbS5iciJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdGltZWxpbmVfMTIwMzQiOnsiYnVja2V0IjoidHJlYXRtZW50IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd190d2VldF9lZGl0X2JhY2tlbmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib24iLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3JlZnNyY19zZXNzaW9uIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2J1c2luZXNzX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnV 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 zX2R5bmFtaWNfbWFuaWZlc3RzXzE1MDgyIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6InRydWVfYml0cmF0ZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0Zndfc2hvd19ibHVlX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2dvdl92ZXJpZmllZF9iYWRnZSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvZmYiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3Nob3dfYnVzaW5lc3NfYWZmaWxpYXRlX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9mZiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9mcm9udGVuZCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9fQ%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1604143129367433217&lang=en&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billszone.com%2Ffanzone%2Fnewreply.php%3Fdo%3Dpostreply%26t%3D262008&sessionId=7bc7a17ca1ad94ce801a62df13730da03215b03f&theme=light&widgetsVersion=a3525f077c700%3A1667415560940&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1604143129367433217" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 874px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;"></iframe>

let’s goooooooooo!<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.644279d1635fd969e87af94a98bd232b.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billszone.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" title="Twitter analytics iframe" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;"></iframe>

12-17-2022, 03:55 AM
Latest weather report has possibility of an inch or two of snow per hour during the game.

Either way, the Bills are going to win this game. The only question is if they are going to cover the 7 point spread.

Probably a low scoring game, but it would be no surprise if it isn’t.

Bills - 24
Fins - 17

12-17-2022, 04:35 AM
Snow in blow holes.

12-17-2022, 04:45 AM
This was posted two hours ago...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">❄️ FOOTBALL WEATHER!! ❄️<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GoBills?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GoBills</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/EEZylibXi5">pic.twitter.com/EEZylibXi5</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604132756417552386?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 04:46 AM
Squish those filthy-ass muther-****ing fish into submission!


12-17-2022, 06:59 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hello from Orchard Park! Bills vs Dolphins tonight in the snow globe, with some looks inside the stadium and some pregame musings on the matchup.<br><br>For my full pregame thoughts + prediction, find it right here: <a href="https://t.co/l2f9z3j0Rt">https://t.co/l2f9z3j0Rt</a> <a href="https://t.co/dzxG1lZ1Er">pic.twitter.com/dzxG1lZ1Er</a></p>&mdash; Joe Buscaglia (@JoeBuscaglia) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBuscaglia/status/1604194692215750663?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 07:25 AM
If we don't absolutely destroy these guys I'll be really disappointed.

ghz in pittsburgh
12-17-2022, 08:00 AM
No one shovel snows in the stands?

12-17-2022, 08:16 AM
Is Cole active or not?

12-17-2022, 08:18 AM
Is Cole active or not?

No word yet.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 08:20 AM
If we don't absolutely destroy these guys I'll be really disappointed.

Normally I would agree, but considering that weather I will be happy with a 1 point victory
(oh and an accidental nutz punch to Wilkins wouldn’t hurt either)

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 08:24 AM
A shock to no one I’m sure but it’s official :band:

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12-17-2022, 08:46 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Happy snowy 12/17! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gobills?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Gobills</a> ✌��❄️�� <a href="https://t.co/mZsjEw2jBa">pic.twitter.com/mZsjEw2jBa</a></p>&mdash; Chelsea✌�� (@BuffaloBossBabe) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBossBabe/status/1604204333322493952?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 08:50 AM
The field looks good!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s what the field currently looks like at 4:50 PM. Crews doing a great job of clearing it. Not snowing now but it is expected to start up again later. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/U5yw7L01RO">pic.twitter.com/U5yw7L01RO</a></p>&mdash; Sal Capaccio �� (@SalSports) <a href="https://twitter.com/SalSports/status/1604233087000481793?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 09:17 AM
The field looks good!

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Geez, can't imagine they'll clear the seats in a few hrs.
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12-17-2022, 09:29 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bills OL Ike Boettger was NOT activated today. The Bills can still activate him tomorrow. But he won’t be available to play tonight.</p>&mdash; Sal Capaccio �� (@SalSports) <a href="https://twitter.com/SalSports/status/1604241779221577728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 10:06 AM
Field looks great! How much snow do they get and is anymore forecasted for later!

12-17-2022, 10:11 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I wish it were colder”<br><br>Jaelan Phillips goes with the shorts and no shirt for early warm ups! <a href="https://t.co/PVQu4u6xLv">pic.twitter.com/PVQu4u6xLv</a></p>&mdash; Jason McCourty (@JasonMcCourty) <a href="https://twitter.com/JasonMcCourty/status/1604251506626150401?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Telling our kids this is 98 Degrees.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/izLQv6GiX5">pic.twitter.com/izLQv6GiX5</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604253774284996609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 10:11 AM
Field looks great! How much snow do they get and is anymore forecasted for later!

I'm not sure, and yes.

12-17-2022, 10:16 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I wish it were colder”<br><br>Jaelan Phillips goes with the shorts and no shirt for early warm ups! <a href="https://t.co/PVQu4u6xLv">pic.twitter.com/PVQu4u6xLv</a></p>— Jason McCourty (@JasonMcCourty) <a href="https://twitter.com/JasonMcCourty/status/1604251506626150401?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Telling our kids this is 98 Degrees.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/izLQv6GiX5">pic.twitter.com/izLQv6GiX5</a></p>— Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604253774284996609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Love Phillips, would have loved to see the whole team cone or like that!

12-17-2022, 10:17 AM
Field looks great! How much snow do they get and is anymore forecasted for later!

There's several inches on the backs of the chairs.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Santa! We know him!<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/sJ2lxUDg8k">pic.twitter.com/sJ2lxUDg8k</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604254783405031425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 10:21 AM
Well I’m glad they decided not to move the game!

12-17-2022, 10:25 AM
Love Phillips, would have loved to see the whole team cone or like that!

Haha, I read this wrong, I thought it was Jordan Phillips. Well someone on Miami has to try to show it won’t bother them.

12-17-2022, 10:26 AM
There's several inches on the backs of the chairs.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Santa! We know him!<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/sJ2lxUDg8k">pic.twitter.com/sJ2lxUDg8k</a></p>— Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604254783405031425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I've been to a couple games like that where they didn't have time to clear the stands. I'm glad I'm not there tonight!

12-17-2022, 10:26 AM
Haha, I read this wrong, I thought it was Jordan Phillips. Well someone on Miami has to try to show it won’t bother them.thought you were a Miami fan for a minute.

12-17-2022, 10:31 AM
Our guys coming in, Josh's signature thumbs up and Diggs not even pretending that it's warm out. lol

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Turning the temp down. ��<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/Jqb6V2YgGm">pic.twitter.com/Jqb6V2YgGm</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604257153329631237?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 10:33 AM
thought you were a Miami fan for a minute.

:blowup::box:I don’t think there is a team in any sport I hate more than the Dolphins. I even hate their colors so much when I see a person wearing Dolphin colors I automatically dislike them even if they’re not Fin fans, lol!

12-17-2022, 10:33 AM
There's several inches on the backs of the chairs.

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 801px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfdGltZWxpbmVfbGlzdCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOlsibGlua3RyLmVlIiwidHIuZWUiLCJ0ZXJyYS5jb20uYnIiLCJ3d3cubGlua3RyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRlcnJhLmNvbS5iciJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdGltZWxpbmVfMTIwMzQiOnsiYnVja2V0IjoidHJlYXRtZW50IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd190d2VldF9lZGl0X2JhY2tlbmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib24iLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3JlZnNyY19zZXNzaW9uIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2J1c2luZXNzX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnV 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 zX2R5bmFtaWNfbWFuaWZlc3RzXzE1MDgyIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6InRydWVfYml0cmF0ZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0Zndfc2hvd19ibHVlX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2dvdl92ZXJpZmllZF9iYWRnZSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvZmYiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3Nob3dfYnVzaW5lc3NfYWZmaWxpYXRlX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9mZiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9mcm9udGVuZCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9fQ%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1604254783405031425&lang=en&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billszone.com%2Ffanzone%2Fshowthread.php%2F262008-Fins-Bills-GDT-!!%2Fpage2&sessionId=b01921f945b3f9d810886ca2fbfec4a1c21f886c&theme=light&widgetsVersion=a3525f077c700%3A1667415560940&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1604254783405031425"></iframe>
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OMG :D<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.644279d1635fd969e87af94a98bd232b.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billszone.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

12-17-2022, 10:35 AM
:blowup::box:I don’t think there is a team in any sport I hate more than the Dolphins. I even hate their colors so much when I see a person wearing Dolphin colors I automatically dislike them even if they’re not Fin fans, lol!

Jets for me. Never disliked the Dolphins, Pats, or Colts.

12-17-2022, 10:35 AM
Well I’m glad they decided not to move the game!

That would have sucked !!!!

12-17-2022, 10:37 AM
Jets for me. Never disliked the Dolphins, Pats, or Colts.

Mine has to be the Don Shula Dolphin teams.

12-17-2022, 10:47 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No real surprises for Bills inactives. Xavier Rhodes is inactive. Kaiir Elam is active. Cole Beasley is active. <a href="https://t.co/TvytBGJ7n7">https://t.co/TvytBGJ7n7</a></p>&mdash; Sal Capaccio �� (@SalSports) <a href="https://twitter.com/SalSports/status/1604261666631434242?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Tonight&#39;s inactives. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MIAvsBUF?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MIAvsBUF</a> <a href="https://t.co/pN9fC89SXJ">pic.twitter.com/pN9fC89SXJ</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604261405414330368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 10:48 AM
Mine has to be the Don Shula Dolphin teams.

When I was stationed in Florida, one of my buddies asked if I wanted to go spear fishing. I asked him what kind of fish we would go after. He said dolphin, mackerel stuff like that. I said dolphins are legal to spear? He looked at me and said sarcastically, yeah why the he’ll not? I said will Marino and Shula be there? He was amused!

12-17-2022, 10:51 AM
Stop cutting onions pre-game!!!!!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Everyone needs to see this sweet moment with Abbie and her super fan Josh Allen <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/billsmafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#billsmafia</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/nfl?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#nfl</a> <a href="https://t.co/nf0NfZ1Dt1">pic.twitter.com/nf0NfZ1Dt1</a></p>&mdash; Jenna Cottrell (@JennaCottrell) <a href="https://twitter.com/JennaCottrell/status/1604257495022796801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 11:01 AM
When I was stationed in Florida, one of my buddies asked if I wanted to go spear fishing. I asked him what kind of fish we would go after. He said dolphin, mackerel stuff like that. I said dolphins are legal to spear? He looked at me and said sarcastically, yeah why the he’ll not? I said will Marino and Shula be there? He was amused!

:cheers: I like it !!

12-17-2022, 11:11 AM
Stop cutting onions pre-game!!!!!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Everyone needs to see this sweet moment with Abbie and her super fan Josh Allen <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/billsmafia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#billsmafia</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/nfl?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#nfl</a> <a href="https://t.co/nf0NfZ1Dt1">pic.twitter.com/nf0NfZ1Dt1</a></p>— Jenna Cottrell (@JennaCottrell) <a href="https://twitter.com/JennaCottrell/status/1604257495022796801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That’s pretty awesome, Josh! :respect:

12-17-2022, 11:24 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Remember <a href="https://twitter.com/stefondiggs?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@StefonDiggs</a>’ buddy Aydin?<br><br>Stef met up with him tonight for a special pregame moment. ❤️�� <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BillsMafia?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href="https://t.co/FpC7vp6XDz">pic.twitter.com/FpC7vp6XDz</a></p>&mdash; Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/1604268510409998336?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 11:30 AM
Let’s go Buffalo!

12-17-2022, 11:34 AM
Time for some frozen fish!


12-17-2022, 11:43 AM
Let's go Red Rush !!!

12-17-2022, 11:44 AM
Get up early and don't let up!

12-17-2022, 11:45 AM
I want one of those no punt games.

12-17-2022, 11:58 AM
So Brown is not inactive but not playing?

12-17-2022, 12:05 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Cole Beasley’s “I love you Josh Allen” shriek gets me every dang time.<br><br> <a href="https://t.co/JjdfDiVQKf">pic.twitter.com/JjdfDiVQKf</a></p>&mdash; Julianne Pelusi (@JuliannePelusi) <a href="https://twitter.com/JuliannePelusi/status/1604275084914577409?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 12:08 PM
MJD is such a dick.

12-17-2022, 12:11 PM

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfdGltZWxpbmVfbGlzdCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOlsibGlua3RyLmVlIiwidHIuZWUiLCJ0ZXJyYS5jb20uYnIiLCJ3d3cubGlua3RyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRyLmVlIiwid3d3LnRlcnJhLmNvbS5iciJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdGltZWxpbmVfMTIwMzQiOnsiYnVja2V0IjoidHJlYXRtZW50IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd190d2VldF9lZGl0X2JhY2tlbmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib24iLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3JlZnNyY19zZXNzaW9uIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2J1c2luZXNzX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnV 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 zX2R5bmFtaWNfbWFuaWZlc3RzXzE1MDgyIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6InRydWVfYml0cmF0ZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0Zndfc2hvd19ibHVlX3ZlcmlmaWVkX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zaG93X2dvdl92ZXJpZmllZF9iYWRnZSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvZmYiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3Nob3dfYnVzaW5lc3NfYWZmaWxpYXRlX2JhZGdlIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9mZiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9mcm9udGVuZCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9fQ%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1604275084914577409&lang=en&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billszone.com%2Ffanzone%2Fshowthread.php%2F262008-Fins-Bills-GDT-!!%2Fpage3&sessionId=d4a46ff69e5649e6a435bf1ad9acdd27f93af6e5&theme=light&widgetsVersion=a3525f077c700%3A1667415560940&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1604275084914577409" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 777px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;"></iframe>

Make sure Mom is loose and hydrated, we need her for 4 quarters here, she needs to pace herself.

12-17-2022, 12:12 PM
MJD is such a dick.

He doesn't like the Bills for some reason. Fook him.

12-17-2022, 12:14 PM
Well that's a great start.

12-17-2022, 12:16 PM
For as much improvement as our LB’s have shown, they still struggle getting off one on one blocks.

12-17-2022, 12:16 PM
3rd and long. Not where we want to be.

12-17-2022, 12:17 PM
It snows in Alabama Tua…

12-17-2022, 12:17 PM
He called a fair catch then he ran. WTF

12-17-2022, 12:19 PM
Make sure Mom is loose and hydrated, we need her for 4 quarters here, she needs to pace herself.

She's all snuggled in and has already uttered "horse****" in regard to the two holding penalties. lol

12-17-2022, 12:19 PM
First time listening to the announcers this year, how long has butt fumble been calling games?

12-17-2022, 12:20 PM
He called a fair catch then he ran. WTF
Dip-S, that cost us.

12-17-2022, 12:20 PM
She's all snuggled in and has already uttered "horse****" in regard to the two holding penalties. lol

I like your mom.

12-17-2022, 12:22 PM
Out of the hole quickly. Nice!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:23 PM
McKenzie almost died

12-17-2022, 12:24 PM
Josh is to high on a couple passes already.

12-17-2022, 12:24 PM
Come on Josh, settle it down a little bit.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:24 PM
Two high throws already

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:25 PM
Josh sailing the ball

12-17-2022, 12:25 PM
Two high throws already

And the one Diggs caught was behind him. Diggs just made a great play.

12-17-2022, 12:27 PM
He gets to hyped up. He has to find a way to control that.

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:28 PM
Run D needs to tighten up

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:29 PM
12th man!

12-17-2022, 12:30 PM
I wonder what was said...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Josh Allen and Christian Wilkins exchanging words. <a href="https://t.co/ijoDhF2NaU">pic.twitter.com/ijoDhF2NaU</a></p>&mdash; Dan Fetes (@danfetes) <a href="https://twitter.com/danfetes/status/1604288075424677888?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:30 PM
Mafia already paying dividends couple times early in the game

12-17-2022, 12:30 PM

12-17-2022, 12:31 PM
Comeon D!!!!!!

12-17-2022, 12:31 PM
Milano looked like he was stuck in cement there.

12-17-2022, 12:31 PM
Is Milano not 100%?

12-17-2022, 12:31 PM
Got to love that McFrazier bendy, or not.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:32 PM
Tre made the play Sánchez had his arm in there

- - - Updated - - -

Is Milano not 100%?
Not a hundred percent he can feel his toes

12-17-2022, 12:33 PM
Why are they playing 10 yards off the WR when blitzing

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:33 PM

12-17-2022, 12:33 PM
This is what happens when you don’t play press coverage against Miami.

12-17-2022, 12:34 PM
Come on Milano. Another wiff.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:35 PM
They go for it

12-17-2022, 12:36 PM
The DL is being pushed around.

12-17-2022, 12:37 PM
Come on man, at least act like you want to win this game and you're ready for it.

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:37 PM
Run D sucks tonight

12-17-2022, 12:37 PM
Make a ****ing stop

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:37 PM
Need some run stop adjustments. Now.

12-17-2022, 12:38 PM
Oh good our run D forgot to show up so far

12-17-2022, 12:38 PM

12-17-2022, 12:38 PM
Thanks for being a moron TUA.

12-17-2022, 12:38 PM
Damn, bad bounce

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:39 PM
I’ll take that outcome

12-17-2022, 12:39 PM
And thanks McDaniel for being a moron and not running it when the Bills haven't stopped a running play yet.

12-17-2022, 12:39 PM
D Is looking terrible but they came through there

12-17-2022, 12:39 PM
Something of a victory but I don't want Frazier here any more.

12-17-2022, 12:41 PM
Something of a victory but I don't want Frazier here any more.

We have to hope someone is dumb enough to make him a HC.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:43 PM

12-17-2022, 12:45 PM
Quiton Morris for the TD!!!!

Hope this energizes the Defense though. They didn't get much rest. lol

12-17-2022, 12:45 PM
There you go Josh! Hell of a drive!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:45 PM
Whatttyy! First tuddy for Morris!!!

12-17-2022, 12:45 PM
I feel a little better now!

12-17-2022, 12:45 PM
That was fast.

12-17-2022, 12:46 PM
That was fast.
That’s what she said

12-17-2022, 12:46 PM
There we go!

12-17-2022, 12:46 PM
Allen's looking more like Allen again.

12-17-2022, 12:46 PM
Need a turnover here to get some TOP back.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:47 PM
Need a turnover here to get some TOP back.

Or a simple 3 and out

12-17-2022, 12:49 PM

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 12:49 PM
Run D is horrible

12-17-2022, 12:50 PM
What the **** was that?

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:50 PM
Disgusting display of tackling

12-17-2022, 12:50 PM
I feel a little better now!

I don't.

12-17-2022, 12:50 PM
What a ****ing joke of so called tackle attempts.

12-17-2022, 12:50 PM
If this is another march against bendy, I might lose it.

12-17-2022, 12:52 PM
I don't.

I don't anymore. That run pissed me off!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:52 PM
Gonna need the offense to stay lit and carry the game

12-17-2022, 12:52 PM
100 yards in the first quarter?
how is this the same team that stopped Henry AND Chubb

My God

12-17-2022, 12:52 PM
Well now I'm just pissed we refused to run the ball against San Diego's piss poor defense

12-17-2022, 12:53 PM
The run D is disgustingly bad. Tua can’t win in the cold? Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t actually have to do anything.

12-17-2022, 12:54 PM
Stop throwing snowballs, morons.

12-17-2022, 12:55 PM
Another gift the defense didn't earn.

12-17-2022, 12:55 PM
Thank God McDaniel is too stupid to keep running so far

12-17-2022, 12:55 PM
Thanks for the gift Tua!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:55 PM
I gotta believe the cold is affecting everyone. Especially the fins O and the Bills D

12-17-2022, 12:56 PM
Stop throwing snowballs, morons.

I literally just yelled the same thing lol. Throw the drunk fools out.

12-17-2022, 12:56 PM
I hope those idiots throwing snowballs miss the tables they dive on

12-17-2022, 12:57 PM
What the **** was that?

Same damn stuff we've been looking at for years, different game.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 12:57 PM
I literally just yelled the same thing lol. Throw the drunk fools out.

Too many drunkards to Chuck outta there…

12-17-2022, 12:58 PM
Although at least no one is throwing batteries or dildos

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:00 PM
Good thing we’re taking advantage of the cold to pound the rock!…oh wait

12-17-2022, 01:01 PM
Well now I'm just pissed we refused to run the ball against San Diego's piss poor defense

Arrogance. He'd have at least 1 TD.

- - - Updated - - -

Josh bails us out again.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:02 PM
Davis held on!!!!

- - - Updated - - -


12-17-2022, 01:02 PM
Every time on 3rd down. ****

12-17-2022, 01:02 PM
Damn I'm happy to see that dude doing his work.

12-17-2022, 01:04 PM
Can’t watch the game is the stadium filled?

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:04 PM
Wow. Some sweet catches in this game far

12-17-2022, 01:05 PM
Can’t watch the game is the stadium filled?

Looks like it

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:06 PM
Motors a big block!

12-17-2022, 01:07 PM
Although at least no one is throwing batteries or dildos

Give em time. They had all day to drink.

12-17-2022, 01:07 PM
Well I'm bowing out before this thread before I ruin my phone and my TV.

12-17-2022, 01:08 PM
Finally we get Hibes involved! Nice play design there!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:08 PM
Very nice. Very nice. I like. I like

12-17-2022, 01:08 PM
Offense! Please start participating in the game defense!

12-17-2022, 01:09 PM

12-17-2022, 01:09 PM
Give em time. They had all day to drink.

Frozen Dildos just wouldn’t have the same impact.

12-17-2022, 01:10 PM
Ok D, your turn.

12-17-2022, 01:10 PM
Well I'm bowing out before this thread before I ruin my phone and my TV.

You might be early.

12-17-2022, 01:11 PM
Frozen Dildos just wouldn’t have the same impact.

Frozen rubber dildos bounce higher.

12-17-2022, 01:11 PM


The defense really needs to step up.

12-17-2022, 01:12 PM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="qme" dir="ltr"> <a href="https://t.co/fIHvlyVn7h">pic.twitter.com/fIHvlyVn7h</a></p>&mdash; OT (@Real_OT_123) <a href="https://twitter.com/Real_OT_123/status/1604295867124445184?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 01:12 PM
Probably Miami fans throwing snowballs to get the Bills in trouble.

12-17-2022, 01:13 PM
Give Buffalo a big black eye you mother ***ing as#holes

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 01:13 PM
Idiots throwing snowballs pisses me off

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:13 PM
The dude that chucks the snowball that creates 15 yard penalty will get assasinated by his fellow fans

12-17-2022, 01:14 PM
Thats Bull****. Now Miami fans will throw the snowballs.

12-17-2022, 01:15 PM
Frozen rubber dildos bounce higher.

And you know this how? :lol:

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 01:15 PM
They need to find an answer for Mostert

12-17-2022, 01:16 PM
Why do they keep passing after nice runs. I'd be so pissed off.

12-17-2022, 01:17 PM

Tre almost got one!

12-17-2022, 01:18 PM
White has to get hands on Waddle

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:18 PM
Frazier must not have a TV much less listen to scouts.

12-17-2022, 01:20 PM
Frazier must not have a TV much less listen to scouts.

Nothing will ever get him out of his soft cover 2.

12-17-2022, 01:20 PM
Goddamnit Frazier! Why the **** are we 7 yards off on 3rd and 5.

12-17-2022, 01:21 PM
Frozen rubber dildos bounce higher.

True, but the flop is what you want for full impact on TV.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:22 PM
Ok ok. That’s better run d

12-17-2022, 01:23 PM
Does the defense practice at all?

12-17-2022, 01:23 PM

There better be some kind of spark or adjustment or SOMETHING on defense. FFS

12-17-2022, 01:23 PM
Way too easy

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:23 PM
Giving up huge chunks on the ground to essentially no names

12-17-2022, 01:24 PM
Fraziers brain must have froze.

12-17-2022, 01:24 PM
Maybe Von can do a zoom call at halftime

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:24 PM
Ok let’s get back to back tuddys. Pull away a little

12-17-2022, 01:24 PM
This defense drives me nuts.

12-17-2022, 01:25 PM
The run D is disturbingly bad.

12-17-2022, 01:26 PM
Hamlin is god awful.

this team is so finesse, doesn’t like to tackle on the cold.

D folds faster than a chair at a WWE event. Soft.

the D plan is always give them the completion and hope they screw up before the end zone.

12-17-2022, 01:26 PM
These rag arm floaters will get picked eventually

12-17-2022, 01:26 PM
Ok let’s get back to back tuddys. Pull away a little

It’s literally the only chance the Bills have. As long as the Fish can run, we can’t stop it. We need to open it up and force Tua to beat us. Then maybe we win.

12-17-2022, 01:26 PM
The run D is disturbingly bad.

It hasn't been. That's what's so infuriating. DL is being manhandled and the rest of them just can't tackle.

12-17-2022, 01:27 PM
Need another TD before the half.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:29 PM
Ffffff how are we calling the TO there.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:31 PM
Bobby Hart has a little value hahhah

12-17-2022, 01:32 PM
This defense drives me nuts.

I'd use much stronger language!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:32 PM
A dRaW pLaY would go to the house on this drive.

12-17-2022, 01:34 PM
dman drops.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:35 PM
dman drops.

yes. There was a ton of cheddar on that throw tho. Little finesse would complete

12-17-2022, 01:36 PM
**** off Knox.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:37 PM
That was a straight drop bro

12-17-2022, 01:38 PM
Seriously Dawson?????

12-17-2022, 01:39 PM
Sit Knox ass down!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:40 PM
Dirty Burd!

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:42 PM
Let’s not F up this points opportunity like we did in the first meeting Mcd our

12-17-2022, 01:44 PM
Beasley on a slant would be nice.

12-17-2022, 01:45 PM
Super Josh has showed up today.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 01:45 PM
Whattttt. Josh is HIM

12-17-2022, 01:45 PM
I legit just yelled in anger and joy in the same moment.

12-17-2022, 01:47 PM
Who else was yelling throw it 3 times?

12-17-2022, 01:47 PM
Jesus. Josh is trying to kill me.

I was screaming to throw it away before time expired. Nope. He’s not leaving time for FGs.

great if it works, but still not smart

12-17-2022, 01:47 PM
I legit just yelled in anger and joy in the same moment.


ghz in pittsburgh
12-17-2022, 01:48 PM
Whew... I'd not risk not getting points there. Josh got lucky.

I'd actually run the ball there and use the last timeout

12-17-2022, 01:48 PM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For player and public safety, please stop throwing snowballs.<br><br>You will be ejected and subject to arrest.</p>&mdash; Highmark Stadium (@HighmarkStadm) <a href="https://twitter.com/HighmarkStadm/status/1604300558113947648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

12-17-2022, 01:50 PM
Whew... I'd not risk not getting points there. Josh got lucky.

I'd actually run the ball there and use the last timeout

it’s not smart football. If it’s incomplete we are all saying how dumb he was.

But he’s Josh Allen. He’s not playing for FGs. We gotta live with the bad if we want him to be special too.

12-17-2022, 01:50 PM
I legit just yelled in anger and joy in the same moment.

I think I had a small stroke and a minor cardiac event at the same time.

12-17-2022, 01:53 PM
Would that be considered 3 drops by Knox on 1 drive?

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 01:53 PM
Who else was yelling throw it 3 times?
Only 3?

12-17-2022, 01:54 PM
It's Josh's nature but that has to be a quick pass of throw it out of the EZ. We won this time. I don't want him doing that again.

- - - Updated - - -

Would that be considered 3 drops by Knox on 1 drive?

Yes. It would have been a hell of a catch for the TD but it hit him in both hands.

12-17-2022, 01:58 PM

Mine was closer to “What the **** are you….yelling at!? Touchdown!!!”

12-17-2022, 01:59 PM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For player and public safety, please stop throwing snowballs.<br><br>You will be ejected and subject to arrest.</p>— Highmark Stadium (@HighmarkStadm) <a href="https://twitter.com/HighmarkStadm/status/1604300558113947648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Good arrest then all, dumbasses.

12-17-2022, 02:02 PM
Why run that out?

12-17-2022, 02:03 PM
The sound quality in this broadcast is awful, listening to the announcers is like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher.

WOMP womp WOMP Womp.

12-17-2022, 02:03 PM
Get Bobby Hart the **** out of here.

12-17-2022, 02:04 PM
3 and out after a 9 yard gain on first. Give me a break.

- - - Updated - - -

Get to watch what adjustments Leslie made!!!!!!!!!

12-17-2022, 02:04 PM
That was a horrible opening series. Can Josh just run the 2 minute offense for the entire game?

12-17-2022, 02:04 PM
And now they will just run the ball right down our throats again.

12-17-2022, 02:06 PM
We need to line up under center more. Every run is slow developing.

12-17-2022, 02:06 PM
Good weather to throw, **** running.

12-17-2022, 02:07 PM
Hey can someone tell Dorsey to run the ball on second and short, we never do that and we’ll caught the D off guard!

12-17-2022, 02:08 PM
I hate this defense!

12-17-2022, 02:09 PM
The damn narrative on this game is going to suck. FFS

Mad Bomber
12-17-2022, 02:09 PM
This is making me sick

12-17-2022, 02:09 PM
How the **** is he that wide open?

12-17-2022, 02:09 PM
Anyone other than Hamlin. ANYONE!

12-17-2022, 02:09 PM
Our touchdowns require so much effort and luck. Dolphins just floating them in.

This will catch up to us.

12-17-2022, 02:10 PM
Go figure.

12-17-2022, 02:10 PM
Secondary burned.

And as much as I love snow in football, fans need to stop throwing them on the field, they have already been officially warned.

12-17-2022, 02:10 PM
The damn narrative on this game is going to suck. FFS

This is why we need to save our big talk until AFTER the game. Buffalo gave Miami so much bulletin board material this week.

12-17-2022, 02:11 PM
Great second half adjustments so far

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
The offense and defense stinking it up on consecutive drives. :baghead:

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
This is why we need to save our big talk until AFTER the game. Buffalo gave Miami so much bulletin board material this week.

They did?

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
No killer instinct. We had the chance to go up two scores and take the run goals out of it after the half, 3 and out.

Ok, we can still do that if we get the ball back? Nope, give up more rushing yards then another huge play for a TD.

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
Hamlin is awful. Honestly don’t know how they didn’t have a better backup plan considering the age of or safeties

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
Anyone other than Hamlin. ANYONE!

That blown assignment wasn’t on Hamlin, it was on Poyer. He missed the call from Edmunds.

12-17-2022, 02:12 PM
This defense is trying to give the game away. ****s embarrassing.

Mad Max
12-17-2022, 02:13 PM
Let’s go Offense. You’re the only part of the team that showed up tonight.

12-17-2022, 02:13 PM
No killer instinct. We had the chance to go up two scores and take the run goals out of it after the half, 3 and out.

Ok, we can still do that if we get the ball back? Nope, give up more rushing yards then another huge play for a TD.

You told us so.

12-17-2022, 02:13 PM
I miss Micah Hyde

12-17-2022, 02:13 PM
They did?

Not the team, but the fans. And yes, Bills Mafia is loud; Dolphins would definitely have been aware of what people were saying.

12-17-2022, 02:14 PM
Hey, Dawson Knox learned how to catch the ball again.

12-17-2022, 02:14 PM
Knox tried to drop that one.

12-17-2022, 02:15 PM
Relying on soooo many miracle plays tonight.

12-17-2022, 02:15 PM
That blown assignment wasn’t on Hamlin, it was on Poyer. He missed the call from Edmunds.

Yeah but he took a terrible angle. Could of at least made the tackle.

12-17-2022, 02:16 PM
i'm through with the ass hat DC.

Tua is throwing on TIMING

it's how the 49ers and Chargers ruined him last two weeks. They played bump and run all game long. when Tua has been off tonight there has been bump and run coverage. So what do they do on 3rd and 5? free releases. I knew where tua was throwing it before he finished his dropback just watching the free release and the first 5 yards of the routes.

This team is killing me. the 49ers and chargers showed the league how to stop the dolphins and we can't follow the basic script.

12-17-2022, 02:16 PM
I wouldn't have accepted that penalty.