Must shake things up

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  • Italian Stallion
    Knows More Than You
    • Feb 2004
    • 1136

    Must shake things up

    Something needs to be done this week personel wise to inject some life into this team. I know the season isn't over, especially with the way the AFC East is shaking down right now, however if the same status-quo is kept heading into the miami game.....we will get embarassed at home.

    Here's a list of what might help shake things up: (feel free to add to it)

    (no QB talk here. I think we still must stick with JP, at least for now. If he's the future, let him get better, work himself out of this funk, and try and prove himself for the risk...and price we paid for him)

    -bench Bennie Anderson for Duke Preston. Anderson, aside from being out of shape and slow, is a penalty sponge and has zero pass blocking skill. At least Preston has shown some fire and competitive edge, and played decent in his only start....the Bills only win.

    -Trade for Jamie Winborn. He may not make a huge impact right away, but I think he's been unfairly tossed aside in SF and is a pretty good player. Plus any new breath of fresh air to the worst run D in the league is welcomed at this point.

    -Leave Ron Edwards on the bench. Maybe it's good he got injured today. He absolutly gets *****ed on running plays. Zero ball awarness, and gets blocked down and out of the play, creating too big a gap for any linebacker to fill. Use Bannan and Anderson in a rotation. The only guy I saw giving 100% effot out there today on D was Anderson...scratching around on the ground, grabbing at anything he could to make any sort of play. Edwards seems to have no competitive edge.

    -Put Sam Wyche on the sidelines. Im not sure how much of a difference it would make, if any, but maybe Losman's teacher would better serve him down on the field. Would it hurt to give it a try??

    -Sign anyone that could possibly help this offense. Ross Verba. Eddie George. It dosen't matter. I'm not saying sign someone just because, but more to show the current players on the team that your doing everything possible to put a winning product on the field, and that no ones job is safe..... and perhaps more importantly, to give the media and fans some hope that maybe, just maybe, the front office might admit to some obvious mistakes they have made, (biggest one being- no depth or options at oline, not to mention little starting caliber talent) and are trying to patch up the holes that are now busted on open, after three straight loses.



    I like cheeseburgers and eva mendes
  • Kerr
    Hall of Fame Zoner
    • Feb 2005
    • 6656

    Re: Must shake things up

    Not bad at all. I like the idea of benching Anderson for Preston. Winborn couldn't be any worse. Wyche down the sideline, sure, why not? Yeah, Edwards is not so great against the run. His strength is as a pass rusher, not run stuffer. Anderson did a pretty decent job out there today stuffing McCallister for negative gains. I agree, they should let Anderson play more against the run.


    • Italian Stallion
      Knows More Than You
      • Feb 2004
      • 1136

      Re: Must shake things up

      I think Preston is a pretty good player. We may have found a mid round gem.



      I like cheeseburgers and eva mendes

