eric moulds

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  • tdotbillsfan
    Registered User
    • Feb 2005
    • 33

    eric moulds

    Hello all, it seems we are all very confused and upset about the entire eric moulds stituation. Personally i am very sad.
    Eric moulds has been the best player on this team for 10 years, and it hurts me to think that bills fan disrespect him and turn on him when he suggested that they had a better chance of winning with KM at qb rather then losman. Putting all things aside, he was right, they did have a better chance with kelly rather then jp but playing jp now is better for the team in the long run. Here's the thing, moulds doesnt have a long run in him. Now this was blown up by JP backers, and eric moulds comes out looking like the bad guy. Let me tell you all, that he has been such a good player and person to this entire community, and i could only imagen what he must be thinking when he hears all this crap going on and on about him. Lets face it, 2 out of the 3 young guns on this team are pure ego maniacs (jp and willis). only evans has respect out of the 3. Eric is and hopfully will continue to be a breath of fresh air to this club because the only publicity this team gets nowadays is how willis thinks he is the best back in the league followed by 5 straight games with under 100 yards, and JP spends more time looking in the mirror then hanging out with the team. JP even had a problem last year with drew, when he should have be kissing his future hall of fame buttocks.
    Anyways i think that this team should do all it can to keep moulds (with out harming the team money wise ofcourse) and start looking for a head coach and GM. Forget this offensive minded coach thing, Hire dick lebeau as head coach, and let the play makers do what they do best.
    thank you very much.