Tom DUMB-a-hoe's REAL questions and answers!

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  • Mudflap1
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    • Nov 2004
    • 3281

    Tom DUMB-a-hoe's REAL questions and answers!

    This week's Q&A's:

    Max Krieger (Rochester, NY): After so many years of class acts and great respect, how can Eric Moulds really be in this much trouble? Is this a warning to other players, or just a way for management to take blame away from them? It is hard to believe a player that has as much class as Moulds would do something this serious.

    Tom Dumbhoe: Eric has been an outstanding performer in this organization for a long period of time and we are hopeful that he will continue in that manner for his remaining three games with our organization. With regard to a suspension, it is important that the fans trust the judgment of Coach Mularkey. He is an excellent coach that is a little thin skinned. To put it bluntly, he has difficulties dealing with uppity sorts (if you get my drift).

    Craig Kopra (Buffalo, NY): I am sorry that the season has not turned out the way many fans and the Bills players have hoped for. Do you have any favorite philosophers or quotes to turn to when things are not looking their best?

    Tom Dumbhoe: The season has been extremely frustrating for everyone, players, coaches, our fans and Mr. Wilson. We do feel that we have a good plan. Being a historian at heart, I have a favorite quote from Teddy Roosevelt, "walk softly and carry a big stick." That's my philosophy, short and simple.

    Chethan Mudiyam (Philadelphia, PA): Tom, at what point is there going to be accountability in this franchise? This team simply does not find a way to win football games, and that's everyone's job in this organization. I know you're "constantly evaluating personnel," but how many more losses is it going to take before we hear about changes being made?

    Tom Dumbahoe: There is always accountability in our franchise and I would agree with you that it is everyone's job to make our team successful. We have always refrained from making personnel judgments or evaluations in the middle of the season. I can assure you that on a daily basis I confer with Mr. Wilson in between his busy schedule of watching "The Price Is Right", "Wheel of Fortune", and re-runs of "Matlock." Typically, it's over lunch before the knitting classes start, that we evaluate our organization daily, over a generous helping of oatmeal.

    Matthew Byham (Rochester, NY): Thanks for fielding my question and for all your efforts with the Bills organization. If you were looking at things from our standpoint (as a fan only; without professional involvement), how would you feel about the team this season and what might you expect or wish for in terms of change?

    Tom Dumbahoe: We always try to look at things from the fans' perspective and as frustrated as the fans are, you can multiply that frustration ten-fold when it comes to our players, coaches and organization. We are not satisfied with our season. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: from a business standpoint I've done my job. We continue to sellout the stadium and sell merchandise. Unfortunately, it appears that everyone isn't satisfied with this result. Speaking for myself personally, the coaches, the players, and Mr. Wilson, we are very appreciative of your support, and we hope that you continue to blindly shell out money for our product, even if it's a laughably inferior product.

    Ken Ruby (Lakeland, GA): Mr. Dumbahoe, as an avid Bills fan I feel that what is going on at this organization starts at the top. Do you feel this poor season is at all your fault and what will you do to fix it for next season?

    Tom Dumbahoe: This is not the first time I have said this and it will probably not be the last. I am responsible for what goes on with this football team and this organization. My initial strategy after this season is to humor Mr. Wilson, and throw Mularkey and the rest of the coaches under the bus. That should appease him and you (the fans) for at least a year.

    James Manly (Old Greenwich, CT): Mr. Dumbahoe, this team has sunk to an all-time low. Obviously you have some responsibility for the team being in this position. Are there any decisions that you can look back on that were the most critical in getting to where we are? What do you feel you learned from these mistakes?

    Tom Dumbahoe: We are just as disappointed in the record. We have learned that when you continue to lose, that heads will roll. I can assure you, as the President of this organization, that I will properly place the blame where it's at, and fire those that should be held accountable. Stay tuned.

    Sloan Davis (Tulsa, OK): There is so many rumors and talk coming out of the media lately. Can you give an honest answer to this question? How bad are things at One Bills Drive?

    Tom Dumbahoe: This is an outstanding question and I appreciate you asking this. Honestly, at One Bills Drive there is not turmoil and there is not chaos. We are conducting business as usual. The season has not gone as expected, so there will be changes made. I assure you that as your fearless leader, I will guide the ship in the right direction, no matter how many different head coaches, quarterbacks, and offensive coordinators it takes me.

    Bryan Fish (Easton, PA): This week on your radio show you were asked if you would do the city a favor and resign. Do comments like that discourage you in any way? Also, how much of the blame falls into your hands for the lack of success this season and what have you done to build off of mistakes you have made?

    Tom Dumbahoe: The only comments that discourage me are when people are disrespectful. That's when I call a spade a spade, and call that person or persons a "jerk." Remember, there are still three games remaining. The season is not over yet. Then some difficult decisions will have to be made, as there are with any season. The malingers must go, I will personally see to that.

    Scott Schwalm (Minetto, NY): After the New England game, it is obvious that the Bills team is in critical condition. As a long time Bills fan, I want to know where do you go from here? Give me some hope, in terms of your plan to correct these many organizational problems and lack of field production.

    Tom Dumbahoe: The New England game was not a good effort on our part. We would not agree that the football team is in a critical condition. In fact, we feel this team is playoff-ready in terms of the talent that is on our team. We just feel like we are a few players short. We've also had some tough injuries. If J.P. Losman can start to improve as he has been, we think we'll be right there in the thick of the playoff and division race next year, with only a few minor tweaks to the roster as it stands at this point. As for myself personally, rest assured that based upon the bonus clauses and extension negotiated in my contract, I will take a very long vacation (I'm thinking Bermuda this year) to unwind and get ready for the upcoming season (and many seasons) to come!

    Pat Stanziano (Buffalo, NY): Mr. Dumbahoe, I was wondering if the procedure to enter the stadium (as far as pat downs and so on) has changed now in the winter months considering that people are wearing more layers of clothing. Thanks.

    Tom Dumbahoe: Since early in the season we have modified our pat down procedure at the gates and from the reports we have received, it has gone quicker and smoother than maybe it did at the beginning of the year. The main thing we are looking for is to give the fans a cheap thrill with a few recreational grabs here and there. We also will dispose of any anti-establishment propaganda that finds it's way into the stadium. It's not fair to chant against Coach Mularkey like that, or have inappropriate signs made on his behalf. He's a nice boy.


    Last edited by Mudflap1; 12-12-2005, 11:44 PM.