Kinigirly's diary

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  • Forward_Lateral
    Registered User
    • Mar 2004
    • 29895

    Re: Kinigirly's diary

    n the middle of these six tards is Angelo, with a desktop covered in drool, and bits of yellow paper stuck to his lips. I told Angelo that if he wasn't good he wouldn't be able to go on the field trip and I made him sit on the other side of the room. Later I asked Angelo why he threw the spit ball, his reply "What spit ball?". I am really sick of his ****, so I took his desk and put it in the hallway.

    After his punishment was over and I told him he could return to his seat. He asked "Where is my desk?" I replied "What desk?"


    • Forward_Lateral
      Registered User
      • Mar 2004
      • 29895

      Re: Kinigirly's diary

      I'm ****in dying here:

      #2: Tard likes stretchy things

      I generally keep my desk locked. There are many things in there that could hurt a tard, and trust me--the first thing a tard tries to get is the thing that will hurt them the most. Paperclips, rubber bands, pushpins, white out, glue, etc; these are all magnets for curious tard hands. It is for this reason that I try not to unlock my desk unless I absolutely have to.

      Today I needed an envelope for a progress letter that I was sending to a parent. I foolishly forgot to re-lock the top drawer of my desk.

      Angelo has had problems before with playing with things he shouldn't. He tends to get obsessed with things that stretch when you pull them. He once almost tore the skirt off of one of his classmates because of the way it stretched. Today, because I left my desk open, he managed to get to my rubber band box while I was preparing my first group to walk to PE class.

      By the end of the day he started wimpering. I repeatedly asked him what was wrong, but he wouldn't say. He just gave me a teary eyed look and said that he didn't do anything wrong.

      Finally as we were lining up to leave he pulls down his pants and starts screaming.

      This doesn't surprise me, as it is more common than one might imagine in a tard class. I go to hike his pants back up and ask him what was wrong. It was then that I noticed he had wrapped a rubber band around his penis several times, and that it was starting to turn purple.

      I was ****ing floored. I walked him down to the nurse, where she removed it and I called his mother to tell her what happened.

      I decided not to punish him, I think he's punished himself enough already.


      • Dozerdog
        In a jar, on a shelf, next to the unopened Miracle Whip.

        Administrator Emeritus
        • Jul 2002
        • 42587

        Re: Kinigirly's diary

        Tard Blog hate mail

        "I just wanted to let you know 2 things. 1 I have a son with Down Syndrome, he is the light of my life. He might be mentally ******ed, but he can do a lot of things on his own. And no **** in his pants is not one. The second thing is I HAVE BEEN A SPECIAL ED AIDE, and I LOVE ALL THE KIDS THEY ARE MUCH BETTER THAN MOST "NORMAL" KIDS. As for you Brody, or Riti I think both of you should get together so all of us NON LOVERS can come to you and FLOG the hell outta you. Because our children that have SPECIAL NEEDS aren't any of the such you say, why? BECAUSE YOU THE "CREATOR" AND YOU WHAT supposed TO BE CALLED A "TEACHER" are the ones that are STUPID and MESSED UP IN THE HEAD. PLEASE DO TALK TO SATIN, YOU WOULD BE DOING EVERY ONE A FAVOR BY BURNING IN HELL! God wouldn't want to have you in heaven! Hell If I knew you were near my son, I would shove your legs so far up your own ass that you would have to learn to be "SPECIAL.""


        • Dozerdog
          In a jar, on a shelf, next to the unopened Miracle Whip.

          Administrator Emeritus
          • Jul 2002
          • 42587

          Re: Kinigirly's diary

          Read this hate mail in a Phillip Catrtman voice.


          "You nasty *****. You should only burn in hell."
          "A friend of mine who knows my fondness for the humorously-perverse sent me a link to your website. What I thought was going to be funny stories about the things that the kids do turned out to be nothing more than an attack on the kids themselves. After five minutes of reading I felt like I was watching someone kick a puppy to death. Not much sport in your choice of target. Most of what you write sounds like what a 10-year old bully would say (EG: 'Nonetheless, it beats a ****ing desk job. And I can talk a lot of **** to the tards and then deny it all."). I can't fathom why you went into teaching in the first place, or what you expected when you signed on for teaching developmentally disabled kids, but taking out your frustrations over low pay and an unhappy career on them...... Here's a New Year's resolution for you: Get a new job. Based on what I can read of your personality I would recommend working on a veal farm (no "desk-job" worries there) or as a vivisectionist. Barring that, try picking on those idiots (and there are PLENTY) who do not have biological/neurochemical excuses for their behavior. I'm a little suspicious that this site may just be satirical (I have a little difficulty believing that 'Sped' is actually a woman or a teacher now that I think about it) and if so, it's still sophomoric."


          • kinigirly
            Registered User
            • Sep 2005
            • 5289

            Re: Kinigirly's diary

            that **** pisses me off. i work with them and have an autistic cousin and i think its hilarious. i even sent my mom the website. dip****s


            • Dozerdog
              In a jar, on a shelf, next to the unopened Miracle Whip.

              Administrator Emeritus
              • Jul 2002
              • 42587

              Re: Kinigirly's diary

              #14: St. Paddy's Day:
              The new kid named OpIv37, came in today wearing a ****ing black top hat and had a black plastic cauldron full of gold foiled chocolate coins. The cauldron hung from the front of his walker. He actually came to school as a leprechaun, although he never could verbalize that. He would just respond "yes" when asked by others if he was, indeed, a leprechaun. He gave goofy smiles, and kids would take a ****load of chocolate coins out of his bucket. They abused the "take one" privilege until the coins were all gone, at about 9:45 a.m.

              We had a small St. Patrick's Day party in the afternoon. The new kids mother made each kid a shamrock cookie with green frosting. She also made green kool-aid, but it was pretty nasty. I think it might have been sugar-free or something.
              The whole gesture was very nice of her. At the end of the party, when I probed the kids to thank her, amongst many "Thank You's," I hear OpIv37, mutter, "Thanks for the Green Water."


              • kinigirly
                Registered User
                • Sep 2005
                • 5289

                Re: Kinigirly's diary

                here ya go dozer..

                so i work with this 7 year old black girl Amy, very high functioning. so she goes off her meds for a few days and goes insanely silly. so i'm on shift with her in the classroom and she becomes noncompliant running into her cubby area singing "Under the sea" from the little mermaid at the top of her lungs. after 10 minutes of singing and hysterical laughing she strips naked. great i have 5 other students(all boys) in the room and have to block her cubby so they can't see her. so we end up stacking chairs and beanbags and jackets to block view, and i have to stand right in front of her with my back to her to ignore her. so she decides to beat me up...punching me in the back, kicking out my legs, spits on me, and grabs my hair to pull it very very hard and twirl in circles with it like a carnival ride. i ignore her completely although i'm biting my lips so hard they're bleeding. so she's mad i'm not giving her a reaction so she gets her clothes into a nice neat little pile on the floor, squats over them, and pees on them. niiiice. nothing like hearing that trickling water sounds behind you. then she laughs it up and starts marinating her pile with a round of spits. **** that i'm all done with this. i grab some kids blanket, wrap it around her like a towel and take her to the bathroom. now she's sitting buck naked on the toilet with me standing almost on top of her to block her. half an hour in there and she plays with the toilet water, flushes the toilet nonstop, and tears all the toilet paper out, laughing the whole time. and of course beat me and spit on me some more. the end of the hour the other teacher comes to relieve me. i'm covered in spit and toilet water, my entire back bruised. amy immediately gets up and gets dressed and is fully compliant again. ****ING *****. she's only 7 years old..wait till she gets her goddamned period! and both her parents are 6'3. ****ing autistic godzilla trampeling over boston


                • SabreEleven
                  Registered User
                  • Aug 2002
                  • 39563

                  Re: Kinigirly's diary

                  Originally posted by kinigirly
                  oh man its times like these i love my job. you literally can not make these stories up...this **** happens every ****ing day at work. when you wonder why i drink every day and wanna mate with the assclown brothers....this is why. "tards" X 40 hours a week = Kini
                  BEST ****ING POST EVER....EVER....I'm rubbing one out to this


                  • Forward_Lateral
                    Registered User
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 29895

                    Re: Kinigirly's diary

                    Tards makes poop

                    I'm sitting in my final period class--study hall 'cause I'm a lazy SOB-- listening to the tard in my class babble on about nothing in particular and occasionally laugh that goofy tard laugh.
                    You have to understand: this is in rural Pennsylvania, a few miles outside of Gettysburg, so not only is the kid ******ed, but he's a redneck military lunatic. He has this camoflauge backpack that he carries with him and talks to all the time (its name, apparently, is "Commander"-- I can't make this **** up).
                    Anyway, he had just come from P.E. class, and he smelled worse than usual. I mean, he usually smelled like a tard that never bathed and had just taken P.E., but-- ****, today it was really bad. One of the *******s in the class (a senior) looks at him and asks why he smells so bad.
                    "Not me," he says.
                    "Not you? Then what smells so bad?"
                    At this, the tard proceeds to reach into his backpack and pull out a skinned squirrel. I'm not ****ting you. The thing smells like it's been in his backpack for a couple of days at this point. So he pulls this thing out of his tardpack and then--AND THEN--he starts to ****ing GNAW on the squirrel's head.
                    Christ, it was disgusting. By this point, girls have run screaming from the room, and at least one of the guys has puked. The "study hall supervisor" (also our P.E. instructor) comes back from the bathroom amid all the racket. He comes in and sees the tard chewing on something and decides to confront the tard about it (against the rules to have food, you know).
                    "Hey, whatcha got the--OH, ****." He immediately goes into deal-with-the-****ing-tard mode and soothingly coaxes the tard into removing the squirrel from his mouth.
                    The tard complies, then looks right in the supervisor's eyes and says, deadpan, "Commander doesn't like Lieutenant." I don't know what happened to him after that; he was transferred out of study hall and kept in the all-tard classes from then on


                    • Forward_Lateral
                      Registered User
                      • Mar 2004
                      • 29895

                      Re: Kinigirly's diary

                      Tards makes poop

                      I had a birthday party that my mom threw for me and she of course sent out my invitations for me to invite all my friends from the small community. She apparently though the Tard down the street roger was one of my friends or something because he got an invitation too.

                      Anyways it was early in the party and we were outback jumpin on a trampoline while my mom was busying herself with preparing things. A few people had already arrived when Rog (Half the time he'd only respond to Rog, only adults could call him Roger) showed up at the door with his present in hand. No one answered the door and he let himself in. We didn't even know that he was in the house when he apparently heard the call of nature. He wasn't familiar with our house or something and couldnt find a bathroom within sight of the front door(i know its hard with these inventions called hallways) and seated himself above a punchbowl that was on the table next to the door, entirely removed his pants, and began to take a nasty tard ****, right into the punch bowl.

                      Just as he was mid-turtlehead pokin out several other guests arrived, and walked in to find this greasy, rib-thin guy with the happiest look on his face makin a boom-boom in my Kool-aid. At the shock of being walked in on he grabbed his gift for the part and ran out the door, without his pants, and down the street back to his house. His mom made him apologize but we still had to clean it up.


                      • SabreEleven
                        Registered User
                        • Aug 2002
                        • 39563

                        Re: Kinigirly's diary

                        I'm at work rolling....

                        Hey Kini, do all the tards smell that bad?


                        • kinigirly
                          Registered User
                          • Sep 2005
                          • 5289

                          Re: Kinigirly's diary

                          well autistic kids are extra gassy...and this one kid did put a couple of dead squirrels in his mouth from his neighborhood. yeah it happens


                          • SabreEleven
                            Registered User
                            • Aug 2002
                            • 39563

                            Re: Kinigirly's diary

                            That must be real fun when the weather gets warm


                            • Dozerdog
                              In a jar, on a shelf, next to the unopened Miracle Whip.

                              Administrator Emeritus
                              • Jul 2002
                              • 42587

                              Re: Kinigirly's diary

                              Beware you Kanadiun Tards!

                              12/19: If you cross Miss Sped, you could get deported

                              One of my students had been acting overly silly and was talking out way too much. So, instead of attending the holiday party afternoon, this particular tard spent the time in the principals office--copying a ****ing dictionary page. I can't believe this is still a valid punishment. I was amazed when I saw this. I made him copy 6 pages, but one should give you the jist.

                              I wrote a letter to his parents, explaining his poor behavior, and asking if they could perhaps help me re-enforce these punishments. Their response blew my ****ing mind. I love that the father keeps referring to me as "Sir."

                              I wrote the parents back and assured them that their son was a good person and was generally a good student, he had simply been acting out that particular day, and suggested that perhaps a 6-month grounding, loss of TV and Christmas, and threats of deportation were a little extreme. He is still in my class, and now I am afraid to tell his parents anything.


                              • billsburgh
                                Registered User
                                • Jul 2003
                                • 3560

                                Re: Kinigirly's diary

                                Originally posted by kinigirly
                                oh man its times like these i love my job. you literally can not make these stories up...this **** happens every ****ing day at work. when you wonder why i drink every day and wanna mate with the assclown brothers....this is why. "tards" X 40 hours a week = Kini
                                whatever it is that you get paid, it's not nearly enough. I dont know how you put up with that every day.

