Official Rules of the Zone Presidential Campaign

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  • shelby
    The Vanilla *****
    • Jul 2002
    • 48489

    Official Rules of the Zone Presidential Campaign

    • i am the moderator of this contest, and my judgement in any matter is final. As a result, i cannot be on anyone's team, nor can i vote in any election.
    • No campaign party may consist of more then 6 members (it isn't a must that you even have 6, that's just the maximum), 2 of which must be a designated President/VP; the idea is to not only spread the work out so people don't lose interest and quit, but to give each group an image/personality apart JUST the two canidates.
    • Soliciting advice, help, creative help, or any other form of an advantage from a staff member or anyone else not on your designated team is cheating.
    • Zone staff members are allowed to be a part of your team; however they may NOT use their powers to alter votes, change poll results, or for any other nefarious reasons to give you an edge.
    • If you lose a member of your party that's tough; to prevent movement and/or the opportunity to replace a member with a stronger/more popular one if someone drops out, you are simply down a man/woman.
    • While you are free to campaign, you may NOT spam or post threads in other forums seeking votes. And your campaigning outside the designated forum will be monitored. This isn't something that the whole board will get wrapped up in, and it won't be forced on them.
    • All TOS standards apply; while there is a certain level of slack given in the Election sub-forum, it will be watched. But obviously a certain level of mudslinging is part of the game.
    • The focus of your campaign is on the pres/vp. While no one is off limits, no campaign should center around 1 specific person. If you center your campaign/debate/material around someone's cabinet member/members, you will be reprimanded.
    • There will be 2 debates, one in the primaries, another in the presidential election. They will be organized and moderated. No starting of threads at random times to make your own debates. The format of the debate will be decided ahead of time.
    • All aspects of the campaign will be held in the designated forum, and will be strictly watched. You may whore for votes as you see fit, but you won't overdo it. The admins will promote the competition. Not you.
    • You will respect members' wishes. If you are mass pm'ing and a complaint is made, you will hear about it. If you are simply running down the member list and spamming people, you will hear about it. And lastly once a vote is up ALL pm'ing of members will stop immediatley.
    • Once a vote is up, campaigning outside the Election forum ceases, no pming, no threads else where. You made your case, or had the chance to anyway. Now it's up to the voters.
    • Rep/ZB's are acceptable forms of bribe; however, raising them is on the up and up. No admin/mod help. And up and up is at my discretion. We can't account for every loophole, so this rule most certainly is flexible and will be enforced at my discretion.
    • This is NOT an insult competition. While you are free to be as creative as you like, if your entire campaign ends up being simply making fun of everyone, you will be penalized. Try to have something of substance. Whether it be issues pertaining to the world, Billszone or whatever, and you are of course allowed to do a bit of mudlinging. But as stated this is NOT an insult competition.
    • ANY form of cheating is a disqualification, and pleading ignorance won't do any good. Voting with aliases, getting your 3rd cousin to come on and vote even though they haven't been here in years, getting someone to signup, etc. are all forbidden.
    • Several of the existing candidates have already worked very hard on campaign material. For that reason, all election threads will be moved into this forum so that they are read by the voting public. Existing candidates do not need to "redo" their campaign. However, i recommend each candidate post a thread sometime this week which summarizes their running platform and stance on important issues.
    • The individual who is elected Zone President will be given a "Zone President" tag, moderator status and access to the private forums for a year, and unlimited rep giving ability.
    • If any of the prizes outlined above are abused in a negative way, the Zone Staff reserves the right to revoke said priviledges.
    • There will be five candidates with VP running mates, and a staff of no more than 4 additional Zoners. Each candidate will need to make a thread in this forum outlining who their VP candidate is, as well as who the additional members of their campaign staff are.
    • The candidates will participate in organized debates moderated by myself prior to a primary election.
    • Candidates will have until Wednesday, March 19, to choose their staff and prepare campaign materials. i will be posting the first debate thread on Tuesday evening, March 18, and the candidates will have a full 24 hours to post their responses.
    • All campaign related threads will be posted in this forum only.
    LA Playa/northernbillfan
    Earthquake Enyart/THATHURMANATOR

    Good luck, and may the best Zoner win!
    Last edited by shelby; 03-17-2008, 05:28 PM.

  • LtFinFan66
    Registered User
    • Mar 2005
    • 47199



    • Dujek
      Hall of Fame Zoner
      • Jan 2008
      • 7806



      • The King
        Without me it's just Awe so
        • Jun 2004
        • 42380

        Let the games begin.
        I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?"
        "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet.
        You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times."
        It was all
        true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach.
        He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can
        mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.


        • L.A. Playa
          Registered User
          • Aug 2003
          • 19295

          I accept and acknowledge these rules


          • mybills
            81 st zoner
            • Jul 2002
            • 61717

            I would like to give a daily press release. A photo & subtitle, both mudslinging and/or positive. I promise to be fair to all parties. We can call it something like, The PC Times.
            I already have 6 photos ready to go!
            Will this be allowed?
            I didn't come here to fight, I hate fighting. Life is way too short to spend it on fighting! Go fight with yourself, one of you will eventually win!


            • clumping platelets

              My vote is available


              • hydro
                Registered User
                • Oct 2005
                • 20160

                I am willing and able to be apart of someone's campaign if need be.


                • chernobylwraiths
                  Registered User
                  • Jan 2003
                  • 41838

                  Just give the race to Bedard already. None of these guys stand a chance.


                  • Devin
                    The Octagon
                    • Apr 2003
                    • 23878

                    Guess we see who Chern is voting for.


                    • chernobylwraiths
                      Registered User
                      • Jan 2003
                      • 41838

                      Originally posted by Devin
                      Guess we see who Chern is voting for.
                      Well come on, do you think any of these candidates stand a chance? YOU had a better shot against him.


                      • shelby
                        The Vanilla *****
                        • Jul 2002
                        • 48489

                        It's a game....lighten up Francis!
                        Some of the candidates may surprise you.


                        • chernobylwraiths
                          Registered User
                          • Jan 2003
                          • 41838

                          Originally posted by shelby
                          It's a game....lighten up Francis!
                          Some of the candidates may surprise you.


                          • chernobylwraiths
                            Registered User
                            • Jan 2003
                            • 41838

                            A game like the Patriots vs the Bills on Sunday night maybe.


                            • shelby
                              The Vanilla *****
                              • Jul 2002
                              • 48489

                              Don't poop on the electoral process.

                              This calls for a few custom smilies:

