I was looking forward to writing a thrilling story on the Bill vs. Bill showdown at Gillette Sunday night -- "was" being the operative word. To tell you the truth, I've heard so much about it the past two weeks that it started to drive me a little nuts. Could there be a regular season game that had more hype than this one? Never! I've never seen a dead horse beaten as bad as this one. As it turned out, the game itself is now being used in place of sleeping pills, although we're still waiting to hear about side effects. Two weeks of media hype turned into forty winks by halftime.

We all know the history, but in case you've been in a coma, here's a quick recap. Belichick was under Parcells for years as his defensive coordinator. From the Giants to the Jets to the Patriots, Belichick held the defensive fort while Parcells was carried off the field after all the success. When Parcells selected Bill as the head coach of the Jets, Belichick split after one day and took the same title in New England with a lot more power. Finally, thank God because I'm out of breath, Belichick stepped out from under Tuna's shadow and raised the Lombardi Trophy, something -- lets all say it together now -- Parcells has never done without Belichick.
