A conversation with BrianH

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  • lordofgun
    in charge of you

    Administrator Emeritus
    • Jul 2002
    • 48416

    A conversation with BrianH

    BriaH2184: 20,0950 people listened to Bills Asylum Radio last month my friend I can send u valid proof if u accept eml files
    *** Auto-response sent to BriaH2184: I am currently away from the computer.
    lordofgun5000: how many?
    BriaH2184: 20,0950 people
    lordofgun5000: wow, that's quite a few.
    BriaH2184: do u accept eml files???
    BriaH2184: id love to send it 2 u thats the only way i can prove it i think 2 u
    lordofgun5000: isn't that just an email?
    BriaH2184: no its a file attachment
    lordofgun5000: suire, go head and send it
    BriaH2184: k e-mail???
    lordofgun5000: *****@hotmail.com
    BriaH2184: sent
    lordofgun5000: I'm not good with numbers. Exactly how many is 20,0950?
    BriaH2184: 20 thousand 9 hundred and 50 individual listeners
    lordofgun5000: good job. 20,0950 is a lot of people. I never imagined you'd hit such a number. I never even imagined a number like that at all!
    BriaH2184: i though 2k was alot lol
    BriaH2184: i would still like to provide any more proof avaiable
    lordofgun5000: yeah, but 20,0950 is amazing. impossible, even!
    BriaH2184: check mail
    BriaH2184: i sent u that file
    lordofgun5000: wow, that's more people than WGR and WNSA get combined!
    BriaH2184: eml files can not be doctored
    BriaH2184: i know u may think im imagining these numbers so plz try 2 open that file
    lordofgun5000: yeah i know. since eml stands for email and there's no way to doctor emails. again, great job!
    lordofgun5000: oh, i opened it!
    lordofgun5000: that's why i believe you now.
    BriaH2184: ok log this is not fair
    BriaH2184: eml files i cant open
    BriaH2184: watch ill show u 1 sec
    lordofgun5000: ok
    lordofgun5000: wow...20,0950. unbelievable.
    BriaH2184: 1 second
    lordofgun5000: still waiting. it's been at least 20,0950 seconds.
    BriaH2184: ok log
    BriaH2184: u think im a joke??
    BriaH2184: ill bet u my website and my show i am not lieing put up or shut up plz
    lordofgun5000: no, i don't thgink you're lying at all. why do you think that?
    lordofgun5000: brb
    BriaH2184: back ur wise ass remarks up
    BriaH2184: put ur site on the line if ur so confident
    lordofgun5000: i am not being sarcastic.
    lordofgun5000: 20,0950 is awesome.
    BriaH2184: plz i beg u
    BriaH2184: ill put everything on the line that i am not bs'in u
    BriaH2184: call my network
    BriaH2184: ill give u the number k ???
    BriaH2184: theres no way in hell they would lie for me
    BriaH2184: go here plz http://www.imagestation.com/
    BriaH2184: does that show u what eml stands for???
    BriaH2184: tommorow i suggest u do me a favor contact this person to verify my stats that i just gave u im sick of ppl doubting and laughing at me

    BriaH2184: if u wanna prove ur right please stfu and call that number plz
    BriaH2184: my producer is in that chat room all ur answers can be solved AJ is in there as we speak plz i beg u go in chat

    IN THE CHAT....

    USSPORTSRADIO: Bills asylum radio
    BriaH2184: log hello nice of u to join
    finheavenfounder: Welcome LOG
    BriaH2184: Nate this is the person I told u about
    lordofgun5000: hi
    BriaH2184: log Nate Lewis owns ussportsradio.com
    finheavenfounder: Now you have to explain everything over again
    finheavenfounder: LOL
    BriaH2184: been doin this for 26 years and is here 2 answer all ur questions
    USSPORTSRADIO: I may just copy some of the last posts
    finheavenfounder: whatever works
    finheavenfounder: LOL
    USSPORTSRADIO: i was just explaining to everyon finnheaven asked where I saw the radio show in 5 years
    BriaH2184: log u there??
    USSPORTSRADIO: This show is a big boost to the network and is now part of the many programs on broadcastmonsters.com
    BriaH2184: log believes that the stats this month is a complete joke
    BriaH2184: and so to prove they are not he can ask questions and not b here to play silent treatment :)
    USSPORTSRADIO: Well I can understand that but I can just tell you with full conviction this is no joke
    USSPORTSRADIO: The #'s on the WMA in this case are calculated in factors of 10
    USSPORTSRADIO: Even then Bills Asylum Radio came in 10th
    finheavenfounder: out of how many?
    USSPORTSRADIO: Brockton Rox baseball was #1 again
    finheavenfounder: How many people are on this network?
    USSPORTSRADIO: listeners?
    finheavenfounder: No, I meant like how many people own a radio station
    finheavenfounder: I think 29 is the right number... sounds about right... God knows that's not the listeners... LOL
    USSPORTSRADIO: The parent network is owned by 4 people
    USSPORTSRADIO: no lol that is the number ranked shows
    finheavenfounder: yea
    finheavenfounder: Brian, what are the stats of your website itself?
    BriaH2184: weekly??
    USSPORTSRADIO: I started with them in January of '97
    finheavenfounder: Monthly
    BriaH2184: im gonna have 2 ask my co owner he handles that
    finheavenfounder: ok
    USSPORTSRADIO: I can get some numbers from my banner ad stats if you like
    BriaH2184: Bill@Billsrock.com u can e-mail him
    finheavenfounder: Sure, that would work Nate
    USSPORTSRADIO: Ok brb is that Ok with you Brian?
    USSPORTSRADIO: It won't be an accurate total visitor count just the number of visitors that have viewed the front page
    finheavenfounder: right
    BriaH2184: sure
    USSPORTSRADIO: Ok one sec
    BriaH2184: i dotn even know it lol
    BriaH2184: LOG
    BriaH2184: u there dude??
    finheavenfounder: he's away from his computer
    BriaH2184: he has been for awhile even after he accepted the chat
    BriaH2184: u can be away and chat
    finheavenfounder: yea
    USSPORTSRADIO: 11,569 visitors in the last 7 days
    BriaH2184: wow
    USSPORTSRADIO: about 3500 today
    lordofgun5000: sorry...i'm back
    BriaH2184: is that good? lol
    BriaH2184: welcome back log
    USSPORTSRADIO: uuhhh....yeah
    BriaH2184: log how much hits does ur site get a day??
    lordofgun5000: hits?
    BriaH2184: visitors
    finheavenfounder: That's 46,276 visitors a month
    finheavenfounder: let me get mine... bwhaha
    BriaH2184: bills report is like 1 month old tho right nate??
    BriaH2184: about 1 month
    lordofgun5000: wait, i have a question. why are we doing this?
    BriaH2184: because u need proof
    lordofgun5000: no i don't
    BriaH2184: this is the man 2 talk 2
    BriaH2184: log u laughed in my face
    BriaH2184: ask us sports any question u want
    lordofgun5000: what does proving anything to me get you?
    BriaH2184: he will fully answer it
    BriaH2184: respect i hope
    lordofgun5000: I don't really have anything to ask.
    finheavenfounder: Last month I got 2,291 visitors a day... on average
    lordofgun5000: The numbers of your radio station have nothing to do with the amount of respect i would give you.
    BriaH2184: ok log u said u dotn believe the 21k
    BriaH2184: 20k
    BriaH2184: so ussports is here 2 try 2 get u 2 believe that
    USSPORTSRADIO: Ok but I would completely understand you skepticsm
    BriaH2184: i would too
    BriaH2184: he said he has been waiting for 20,0950 seconds but he says he believes me
    USSPORTSRADIO: And I can tell you for a webcast those are astronimical #'s
    BriaH2184: and that an eml file is an e-mail that i can doctor those stats
    lordofgun5000: yeah i know. eml files are impossible to fake.
    BriaH2184: so i hope by the time u leave this chat u can believe these numbers and realize i am not lying
    BriaH2184: ok log u said the complete opposite 10 minutes ago
    BriaH2184: just because i sent u a img showing that an eml file is real now u say this
    lordofgun5000: no i didn't. go back and read what i said.
    USSPORTSRADIO: I think this is an opportunity for you guys to work together for the betterment of both your sites
    BriaH2184: ok whatever back 2 point u and ur friend dozer this these numbers are false and ill bet any money u arent sincer when u say u believe me
    USSPORTSRADIO: O:-) Not to get all angelic up in here mind you
    lordofgun5000: I already told Brian that he can advertise his show on our site if he mentions out site on his show. sounds liek a fair deal to me. lopsided in his favor, even.
    BriaH2184: in spam forum??
    lordofgun5000: nope. bills forum.
    lordofgun5000: i told you that
    USSPORTSRADIO: I was also telling Brian earlier these are Baby numbers compared to what you could be pulling
    lordofgun5000: what I could be pulling?
    USSPORTSRADIO: No the number of listeners brian could be pulling
    BriaH2184: actually both
    lordofgun5000: yeah, he could technically be pulling about 6 billion.
    BriaH2184: we have did like 8 shows tho
    USSPORTSRADIO: No more like 100,000
    USSPORTSRADIO: And again I understand you skepticism
    lordofgun5000: but technically, 6 billion.
    BriaH2184: ok nate how do u track these listeners plz tell him
    USSPORTSRADIO: Ok the abridged version
    lordofgun5000: no one thought my 6 billion joke was funny?
    BriaH2184: ........
    lordofgun5000: oh well. i ammuse myself.
    USSPORTSRADIO: The Windows Media player records the IP addresses of every listener
    USSPORTSRADIO: This was fist developed a few years ago at the request of ESPN/Disney
    lordofgun5000: what's an IP number?
    USSPORTSRADIO: Brian you can explain that one
    BriaH2184: IP address right??
    finheavenfounder: IP number is an unique number given to each person that logs into the internet
    BriaH2184: every 10 IP numbers aka seperate listener is counted for 1 right or am i wrong??
    finheavenfounder: Except for dialup users, no one person can have the same IP number
    USSPORTSRADIO: Thanks. The programmers at ESPN didn;'t want to look at individual addresses
    lordofgun5000: what if someone is on a wireless LAN?
    USSPORTSRADIO: just the raw numbers
    finheavenfounder: Wireless LAN - static IP
    finheavenfounder: they have the same IP address all the time
    USSPORTSRADIO: Thanks again
    finheavenfounder: except if they know a lot of computers, and have a proxy
    finheavenfounder: but that's getting technical, and uneeded
    BriaH2184: well whatever it takes lol
    lordofgun5000: sorry, i'm new at all this computer stuff.
    USSPORTSRADIO: So instead of logging millions of Ip addresses and numbers Windows Media put all the numbers into factors
    BriaH2184: huh??? log u own ur own website and message board we know ur not knew at this cpu stuff
    USSPORTSRADIO: 10,100,1000,10,000 Get the picture
    lordofgun5000: I'm still learning.
    USSPORTSRADIO: So webcasters can choose when they sign up for an account what factors will be used
    USSPORTSRADIO: so the numbers you see on the report are factors of 10
    USSPORTSRADIO: Now knowing this I would ask Brian what are you doing to move up to #1 on this spot?
    lordofgun5000: dang. you guys are lucky to get in with disney.
    BriaH2184: its a secret
    BriaH2184: lol j/k
    USSPORTSRADIO: We are not with Disney in any way
    BriaH2184: disney??
    lordofgun5000: ok, now i'm really confused.
    BriaH2184: thats why ur in here
    USSPORTSRADIO: The WMA system was developed orignally for ESPN
    BriaH2184: 2 clear ur head
    USSPORTSRADIO: It is available to webcasters everywhere
    USSPORTSRADIO: ESPN is part of Disney
    USSPORTSRADIO: Sorry I used the corporate designation
    BriaH2184: following log??
    lordofgun5000: yeah. you're partnering with espn to track ip addresses.
    USSPORTSRADIO: Now look I will be more than happy to answer more questions just that I am a Personal trainer by trade because there is very little money in radio and I have a 5 am appointment
    USSPORTSRADIO: We have nothing to do with either
    USSPORTSRADIO: The system is already there
    USSPORTSRADIO: Is it a minion of evil? mayber
    lordofgun5000: wow..most radio guys are all flabby.
    BriaH2184: .......
    USSPORTSRADIO: But if you started an internet radio station today
    USSPORTSRADIO: you could use the same system
    BriaH2184: log how old are u ??
    lordofgun5000: what does that have to do with anything?
    BriaH2184: nothing i've always wondered
    BriaH2184: so basically nate is trying to prove 2 u those stats I got are 110% true
    USSPORTSRADIO: This is how we know of the numbers
    USSPORTSRADIO: I am going to get on my soapbox and end on this note:
    USSPORTSRADIO: The internet entertainment business is going to be monopolized
    USSPORTSRADIO: one day
    USSPORTSRADIO: if not already
    USSPORTSRADIO: unless independent sites like ours
    USSPORTSRADIO: don't work together
    USSPORTSRADIO: to create power in numbers
    USSPORTSRADIO: this would be a good opportunity
    USSPORTSRADIO: to lay down the framework
    USSPORTSRADIO: for a network of sports sites
    lordofgun5000: i love to lay down framework.
    USSPORTSRADIO: That would make ESPN Shutter
    USSPORTSRADIO: go in peace to love and serve the Lord
    lordofgun5000: so what are you proposing?
    USSPORTSRADIO: Nothing specific except to work together
    USSPORTSRADIO: you all could benifit
    lordofgun5000: brain won't accept my offer.
    BriaH2184: ok i plugged bills zone.com in the file i sent nate
    BriaH2184: log i asked u 2 co host sometimes so why u saying this man???
    USSPORTSRADIO: that is what I am talking about
    lordofgun5000: my deal was very simple.
    BriaH2184: u were asked to be a guest on my show
    BriaH2184: i told ur whole staff there open 2 call up and plug the show
    BriaH2184: i expanded that deal
    lordofgun5000: that's not what i was asking for.
    BriaH2184: greatly
    BriaH2184: u said if i plug ur site i can post in u rbills forum right???
    USSPORTSRADIO: Now guys I may be a personal trainer but I am an old one that needs to sleep
    USSPORTSRADIO: are there any more questions
    USSPORTSRADIO: going once
    BriaH2184: nate thanks man for backin me up here sometimes ppl dont believe a 19 year old rookie
    USSPORTSRADIO: That'scool man sometimes ppl don't belive I am a 44 year old vet
    lordofgun5000: well that certainly was incredible proof. thanks, guys!
    USSPORTSRADIO: no problem it is healthy to be a skeptic and it is good of you to open your mind to the possibility
    *** finheavenfounder has left the chat.
    USSPORTSRADIO: good night fellas
    *** USSPORTSRADIO has left the chat.
    lordofgun5000: i've been open to it. Brain just has to accept the deal.

    BriaH2184: log its Brian
    BriaH2184: log u ok man???
    lordofgun5000: yes, i see that.
    BriaH2184: i have done more than accept the dea;
    lordofgun5000: yep, i'm awesome!
    BriaH2184: u still dont believe those stats do u ???
    lordofgun5000: how could i not believe them? he totally proved it!
    lordofgun5000: If Disney and ESPN say that it's true, then I believe it.
    lordofgun5000: I'm being serious here.
    BriaH2184: i hope u are
    lordofgun5000: i think you guys have a great thing going. After 20,0950 listeners, anything s possible!
    BriaH2184: because 2gether we can be a good team dude
    BriaH2184: its only 8 shows too
    lordofgun5000: wow...and 20,0950 already.
    lordofgun5000: that's crazy.
    BriaH2184: i dont know if ur being sarcastic or not
    BriaH2184: very heard 2 tell
    lordofgun5000: would it help if i used some smiley faces?
    BriaH2184: that be worse
    lordofgun5000: ahhh...ok
    lordofgun5000: well i'm telling you my deal still stands.
    BriaH2184: look heres what i want
    BriaH2184: i really want u 2 look at this show as a huge chance and opporotunity for u guys
    lordofgun5000: you mention us every week and you can advertise i our bills forum with one thread every week.
    BriaH2184: and not a 1 month thing vecause its "internet only"
    lordofgun5000: heck, i'll even post the thread.
    BriaH2184: log that deal has been extended by me since day 1
    lordofgun5000: that will be sure to get you some respect.
    BriaH2184: i have said call up every week and plug
    lordofgun5000: no, i believe i extended that deal. i want YOU to plug it. how hard is that to understand?
    BriaH2184: my show the first month (july) didnt well lets face it freakin daryl porter was on
    BriaH2184: i have said i would as well
    lordofgun5000: ok, so it's a deal?
    BriaH2184: its been a deal man thats what im tellin u
    BriaH2184: i just wish u would look at my stats and be like this would benefit u guys alot
    lordofgun5000: if so, i'll be listening to hear it. i'll take you for your word this week and i'll post a thread about your show on wednesday.
    BriaH2184: i am gonna record first segment in a few i can send u it
    lordofgun5000: nah, i believe you.

    <a href="http://www.buzzdash.com/index.php?page=buzzbite&amp;BB_id=119588">Do you like me?</a> | <a href="http://www.buzzdash.com">BuzzDash polls</a>

  • Ebenezer
    Give me a minute...
    • Jul 2002
    • 73867

    I had forgotten all of that...

    For all the education and practice each of us undergoes, the achievment of mastery is ultimately the outcome of a personal quest for understanding.


    • Crisis
      Registered User
      • Aug 2004
      • 12738

      1.) Whose Brian H
      2.) I'll be done with that tomorrow
      Originally posted by LOSman WINS
      Vanek is Austrian not European
      Originally posted by Prov401
      Pacquiao isn't asian. He's from the philippines
      Originally posted by better days
      I will not be surprised if Tebow has more success than Peyton in the NFL.


      • lordofgun
        in charge of you

        Administrator Emeritus
        • Jul 2002
        • 48416

        And then...

        lordofgun5000: that guy's ripping you off, dude.
        BrianH: who??
        lordofgun5000: ussportsradio guy
        BrianH: is he??
        BrianH: how??
        lordofgun5000: yep.
        lordofgun5000: go look at the thread i started plugging your show
        BrianH: k
        lordofgun5000: see the screenshot dozer posted?
        BrianH: yea
        BrianH: odd
        lordofgun5000: 10 total online. that pops up if you're listening. that means there were 10 people listening at most...otherwise they'd show up as guests if there were 20,000.
        lordofgun5000: or 60,000 or whatever it is.
        BrianH: u have a pop up stopper??
        BrianH: i got those numbers mostly from archived i think
        lordofgun5000: hmmm....i do have a popp-up stopper, but it's not on.
        BrianH: ill look into this thanks
        lordofgun5000: you did a lot better tonight, though. it's a lot bettter without that guy who knows nothing about the Bills.
        BrianH: true
        BrianH: im workin on a new show
        lordofgun5000: cool
        BrianH: producing it tho
        BrianH: NFL show
        BrianH: bigger auidence i wont host
        lordofgun5000: i just don't want to see you get lied to and ripped off is all. i hope he's not purposefully misleading you.
        BrianH: thanks man
        BrianH: ill see
        lordofgun5000: k

        See, I'm a nice guy trying to help BrianH out.

        <a href="http://www.buzzdash.com/index.php?page=buzzbite&amp;BB_id=119588">Do you like me?</a> | <a href="http://www.buzzdash.com">BuzzDash polls</a>


        • Earthquake Enyart
          Legendary Zoner
          • Jul 2002
          • 27521

          Man is that funny. "Most radio guys are flabby"


          • BAM
            Registered User
            • Sep 2003
            • 33135

            Originally posted by lordofgun
            BriaH2184: i dont know if ur being sarcastic or not
            BriaH2184: very heard 2 tell
            lordofgun5000: would it help if i used some smiley faces?


            • Ebenezer
              Give me a minute...
              • Jul 2002
              • 73867

              Is this still on the radio?

              For all the education and practice each of us undergoes, the achievment of mastery is ultimately the outcome of a personal quest for understanding.


              • Earthquake Enyart
                Legendary Zoner
                • Jul 2002
                • 27521

                I miss BrianH. I always felt you guys were too hard on him. He's funny.


                • Pride
                  Registered User
                  • Jul 2002
                  • 10191

                  Funny lookin, thats about it.

                  What is his website now? He changed domain names more often than BAM changes his shirt.... wait... bad analogy!


                  • Earthquake Enyart
                    Legendary Zoner
                    • Jul 2002
                    • 27521

                    Originally posted by Pride
                    Funny lookin, thats about it.

                    What is his website now? He changed domain names more often than BAM changes his shirt.... wait... bad analogy!
                    His web site gives me a headache.

                    But when he came here to goof around, he was ok.


                    • LtBillsFan66
                      Registered User
                      • Jul 2002
                      • 35553

                      Classic stuff!


                      • honey
                        Registered User
                        • Aug 2002
                        • 37024

                        I liked the interview he had with TB.

                        ...20,0950 - hilarious!!!!! Did he EVER understand that?

                        Brian - if you're lurking, sorry, but I found that hysterical!


                        • yle
                          • Apr 2003
                          • 6539

                          lordofgun5000: I'm not good with numbers. Exactly how many is 20,0950?

                          This still cracks me up.


                          • Rude American
                            EE is my American Idol
                            • Jul 2002
                            • 3813

                            That's LOG... Mr. Sarcastic.

                            You want that hamburger on bun?


                            • Earthquake Enyart
                              Legendary Zoner
                              • Jul 2002
                              • 27521

                              USSPORTSRADIO: Even then Bills Asylum Radio came in 10th
                              finheavenfounder: out of how many?
                              USSPORTSRADIO: Brockton Rox baseball was #1 again
                              Brocton Rox Baseball was first?

