Merged all things Brady, cheating, bellicheat, etc.

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  • CommissarSpartacus
    Registered User
    • Mar 2003
    • 54113

    Merged all things Brady, cheating, bellicheat, etc.

    Hah! I bet this "scientist" is on Al Gore's payroll too with the global warming nonsense!

    Christians don't need scientists to tell us who's good and who's evil!

    Crucify them!

    Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

    Note to scandal seekers: Gases lose volume when it’s cold, meaning the Patriots may not have done anything wrong.

    Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense
    Note to scandal seekers: Gases lose volume when it’s cold, meaning the Patriots may not have done anything wrong.

    New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick says that he is “not a scientist,” but a basic law of physics taught in high school may well vindicate his team in the controversy dubbed DeflateGate.

    On a blackboard, the Ideal Gas Law is written thus:


    The P stands for pressure, the V for volume. The n is the amount of gas, the R a mathematical constant. The T is temperature.

    Among other things, the equation establishes that if the volume is a constant such as the inside of a football, then the pressure will vary in accordance with the temperature.

    Let’s say the internal pressure of a football is measured indoors, as the footballs were two hours before the AFC Championship game last weekend.

    And let’s assume that the temperature inside was in the mid-70s Fahrenheit.

    Now we know that the temperature on the field was around 50 degrees when the balls were brought out for the start of the game.

    We also know that the temperature soon after dropped into the mid-40s.

    And, as calculated by a prominent Boston physicist at the request of the Daily Beast, a 30-degree decrease in temperature would result in a corresponding pressure drop of 1.54 PSI (pounds per square inch.)

    “You’re on the right track,” Dr. Michael Naughton, chair of the Department of Physics at Boston College, confirmed when contacted by The Daily Beast on Friday.

    Naughton was as cautious as is any good scientist when it comes to speculation, but he ventured, “What’s not unreasonable is that footballs initially measured in a typically warm room and then brought outside and used in a 40s temperature field will have dropped one and a half to two PSI.”

    This would mean that balls inflated in the warmth of the indoors to the regulation lower limit of 12.5 PSI—which the Patriots are said to prefer—would have dropped to less than 11 PSI in the first half.

    That would explain why all but one of the 12 Patriot game balls came in under the limit when they were tested at the half, triggering DeflateGate and the accompanying accusations of cheating.

    All the game balls of the opposing Colts tested within the regulation limit, but that could be because they were initially inflated to the upper limit of 13.5 PSI.

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    The poll is expired.

    My tebya razdavim
  • Spartacus
    Registered User
    • Mar 2003
    • 54113

    Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

    Oh, I liked this part too...

    "In this instance, the details may prove there is no devil involved.

    Given his position at Boston College, Naughton was a natural expert to consult regarding DeflateGate, even though he turns out to be a Buffalo Bills fan.

    And when the Daily Beast first contacted Naughton on Friday he had already been contacted by Boston-area reporters. He got a call from CNN on Saturday.

    After all, the questions were what should have occurred to anybody who did not sleep through high school physics"...

    He can't be much of a Bills fan if he's not willing to slander the Patriots!
    My tebya razdavim


    • chernobylwraiths
      Registered User
      • Jan 2003
      • 41838

      Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

      But that one ball pays no attention to any of those laws. That one ball is an outlaw.

      It also means that the Colts MUST have cheated instead. Because if ALL the balls would lose 1.5 PSI then the Colts must have overinflated their balls. The Colts should be fined and lose a draft pick. In addition, since they also cheated by losing all their games on purpose to get Luck, they she forfeit him as well. It's only fair.


      • Spartacus
        Registered User
        • Mar 2003
        • 54113

        Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

        Originally posted by chernobylwraiths View Post
        It also means that the Colts MUST have cheated instead. Because if ALL the balls would lose 1.5 PSI then the Colts must have overinflated their balls.
        Not necessarily.

        If Luck likes his footballs harder and didn't want them to deflate, they could have been filled with outside air.

        Has anyone asked Andrew Luck?
        My tebya razdavim


        • Spartacus
          Registered User
          • Mar 2003
          • 54113

          Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

          Audacy brings people together around what moves them, and helps advertisers connect to those audiences. We engage over 170 MM consumers each month across our connected platforms.

          Andrew Luck: Deflategate controversy ‘blown out of proportion’
          01.22.15 at 12:55 am ET
          By Christopher Price

          On Wednesday, Andrew Luck shrugged off the Deflategate controversy, saying that “€œthings in the media tend to be blown out of proportion.”

          Speaking at the Pro Bowl draft, the Colts quarterback appeared to dismiss the uproar of underinflated footballs that were reportedly used by the Patriots in the AFC title game last Sunday in Foxboro.

          “Everybody has a preference and our equipment managers sort of handle our footballs in a sense,” Luck told reporters. “I get them as they are, I guess.”

          My tebya razdavim


          • Spartacus
            Registered User
            • Mar 2003
            • 54113

            Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

            Deflategate much ado about nothing

            By Bucky Gleason | News Sports Columnist | @TBNbucky | Google+

            on January 21, 2015

            Sorry, folks, but I’m not biting on Deflategate. The whole thing is asinine and overblown. It would be three paragraphs on Page B6 if it didn’t involve the Patriots and their dastardly coach, that sneaky repeat offender Bill Belichick, leading into Super Bowl XLIX.

            Apparently, all but one of the footballs used by the Patriots in their 45-7 win over the Colts in the AFC Championship Game were missing 2 pounds of pressure per square inch. But because their coach already was convicted in another cheating scandal, Spygate, we’re led to believe he’s back to his old tricks.

            Let me get a few things straight before we wrap up this nonsense: The Patriots would have beaten the Colts by three touchdowns if Tom Brady threw a Nerf ball with his left arm. Are you telling me that lighter balls allowed LeGarrette Blount to run faster while rushing for 148 yards and three touchdowns?

            You want soft? Check the Colts’ run defense.

            Cheating isn’t right, but it’s hardly a novel concept. It started in sports when they began keeping score. Players are taught to cheat. If they threw the book at everyone who ever doctored a ball, Gaylord Perry would be doing life in Leavenworth rather enjoying the view from Cooperstown.

            The last time anyone checked, the same officiating crew handled footballs for both teams Sunday. They didn’t notice a discernible difference. It took super sleuth linebacker D’Qwell Jackson, who handled the ball once more than Belichick did during the game, to notice one was not like the others?

            My tebya razdavim


            • Meathead
              Insufferable ***** and perpetual crybaby
              • Jul 2002
              • 21349

              Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense


              yes bill and the cheatriots have discovered a magical formula that nobody in the history of football has been able to do - a way to dramatically improve your teams ability to hold onto the ball like it was impossible

              and it has nothing to do with the whole lot of underinflated balls they finally got caught with

              holy hell thats stupid

              and when next year rolls around and they mysteriously come right back to the statistical pack with the rest of the teams it will be puuuuure coincidence

              One set of rules for all in the beloved community


              • Spartacus
                Registered User
                • Mar 2003
                • 54113

                Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                DeflateGate Bolsters the Patriots Haters

                By Alec Shane on Jan 19 2015,

                Say what you want about the NFL, but they certainly know how to generate pageviews.

                News recently broke that the league is investigating whether or not the New England Patriots used deflated balls in their 45-7 victory over the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC Championship Game. At one point in the third quarter, the referees stopped play, inspected a football, and replaced it with another. Early Monday morning, local Indianapolis beat writer Bob Kravitz broke the story that the Patriots might have tampered with the footballs, and while it would in no way affect the outcome of the game, should the allegations prove true, there will be some form of repercussions.

                I didn't think much about it when I went to bed last night, figuring that it was just some hack trying to get his name out there and generate some controversy. But when I woke up this morning and discovered that the investigation is in fact going to happen, I could only react in one way:

                This is brilliant. Absolutely, certifiably BRILLIANT. The NFL strikes again.

                There's absolutely no denying that the vast, vast majority of football fans hate the Patriots. And I only use the word "hate" here because there simply isn't a word in the English language that describes just how despised this franchise is outside of New England. There just isn't any way to accurately portray how deeply our beloved Patriots are loathed by pretty much everybody. I'd even go so far to say that, for some fans, hating the Patriots is even more enjoyable than rooting for whatever sadsack group of misfits they have hitched their wagon to. And while said haters are always quick to point to SpyGate or Belichick's demeanor or Tom Brady's fashion sense as the main reason behind their fury, the fact of the matter is that there is one reason - and one reason only - why the Patriots are so universally disliked, and that reason is because they are good. They consistently win games. They have been dominant for 15 straight years now, occupy a large amount of media time, and are difficult to avoid if you consider yourself an NFL fan. Yeah, their coach is standoffish and their quarterback is a prettyboy who takes his fashion very seriously, but the only reason anybody cares about that is because the Patriots win games. If New England didn't win, nobody would care, and there isn't any disputing that. They aren't unique in that, every team that wins a lot is hated, but it's especially relevant in a league specifically designed to prevent this kind of run. And so, because of that the Patriots are hated far more than most.

                However, the major problem with the "you win a lot, so I hate you" narrative is one that makes it more or less impossible for fans to come away from that situation without coming across as butthurt and whiny. There is also no real logical reasoning behind it other than petty jealousy and consistently being on the receiving end of a New England-generated beatdown. Thus, when something like SpyGate comes around - an actual, tangible, legitimate reason to not only hate the Patriots, but irrationally justify why they have been so successful for so long - people cling to it like a life raft in a monsoon and will never, at any point, let go. I get it, and I don't blame them; in fact, I encourage it. Hating other teams is fun, and I would never want to deprive somebody of that smug, self-righteous feeling that you get when you have successfully trolled somebody else or gotten under an opposing fan's skin. I will take issue with those out there who truly and genuinely believe that SpyGate is the sole reason for the Patriots' string of success, but those people are few and far between and also wear tinfoil hats as they try to disprove the moon landing. For the most part, I tell Pats haters to take SpyGate and run with it. Bringing that up constantly has to be a lot of fun.

                The problem with that, though, is that should the Patriots win Super Bowl XLIX, one of anti-Patriots Nation's favorite lines - the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since SpyGate - suddenly goes away. That beautiful, glorious nugget of hate is no longer applicable. The Patriots will be able to silence a lot of haters should they find a way to win against the Seattle Seahawks, and that, I'm sure, has a lot of people fired up about this matchup.

                Enter DeflateGate.

                My tebya razdavim


                • harmonkoz
                  Spartacus is a troll
                  • Oct 2002
                  • 163

                  Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                  The problem with that, though, is that should the Patriots win Super Bowl XLIX, one of anti-Patriots Nation's favorite lines - the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since SpyGate - suddenly goes away. That beautiful, glorious nugget of hate is no longer applicable. The Patriots will be able to silence a lot of haters should they find a way to win against the Seattle Seahawks, and that, I'm sure, has a lot of people fired up about this matchup.

                  This guy must be sharing your crack pipe Farticus. If the Cheatriots win, and that is a big if... While the line "The Cheatriots have not won a Super Bowl since spygate" may go away, it will be replaced with an entirely new line.

                  "The Cheatriots Stole their only Super Bowl since SpyGate" and "Don't waste your time on the NFL, it's no different than the WWF"
                  The Dolphins Blow, the Jets Swallow, and the Patriots take it in the arse.


                  • Discotrish
                    Raging hypocrite and resident troll
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 40676

                    Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                    Originally posted by Spartacus
                    Hah! I bet this "scientist" is on Al Gore's payroll too with the global warming nonsense!

                    Christians don't need scientists to tell us who's good and who's evil!

                    Crucify them!
                    Even the New England season ticket holders aren't trying this hard.

                    Note: Discotrish information is Conspiralicious and has NO BASIS IN FACT. Considering her opinions may be HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. Please do not get your medical advice from a subforum of a subforum of a sports message board.


                    • MikeInRoch
                      Registered User
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 10446

                      Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                      A "a prominent Boston physicist", eh?

                      V, n, and R are constants in this case. Which means that T/P must also stay constant.

                      At the time of checking the ball, T = 75F ~= 297K. P = (minimally) 12.5 PSI. T/P = 23.76.

                      At halftime, T = 50F ~= 283K. P = T/23.76 ~= 11.9 PSI.

                      12.5 - 11.9 does not equal "1.5 to 2 PSI".
                      "'Clean up your room.', 'Stand up straight.', 'Pick up your feet.', 'Take it like a man.', 'Be nice to your sister.', 'Don't mix beer and wine, ever.'. Oh yeah, 'Don't drive on the railroad track.'"

                      "Eh, Phil. That's one I happen to agree with."


                      • Spartacus
                        Registered User
                        • Mar 2003
                        • 54113

                        Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                        Originally posted by MikeInRoch View Post
                        A "a prominent Boston physicist", eh?

                        V, n, and R are constants in this case. Which means that T/P must also stay constant.

                        At the time of checking the ball, T = 75F ~= 297K. P = (minimally) 12.5 PSI. T/P = 23.76.

                        At halftime, T = 50F ~= 283K. P = T/23.76 ~= 11.9 PSI.

                        12.5 - 11.9 does not equal "1.5 to 2 PSI".
                        Write him a letter. He is a Bills fan after all.

                        Plus, we don'tknow that T = 75, do we?

                        Not only that, but every time you test the ball, it loses pressure. How many times was the gauge used?

                        Sorry, but NONE of this would stand up in court...
                        Last edited by CommissarSpartacus; 01-26-2015, 08:54 AM.
                        My tebya razdavim


                        • Pinkerton Security
                          Pinkerton's son
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 6003

                          Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                          A "prominent scientist" - Bill Nye - also stated that the "science" that Bill Belichick presented made no sense...

                          It must also be said that Nye is an admitted Seahawks fan, so I would actually like to see a non-partisan scientist break down whether Belichick's explanation made sense, because my physics experience in college was less than what people would call "passing" lol..


                          • MikeInRoch
                            Registered User
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 10446

                            Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                            Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
                            Write him a letter. He is a Bills fan after all.

                            Plus, we don'tknow that T = 75, do we?

                            Not only that, but every time you test the ball, it loses pressure. How many times was the gauge used?

                            Sorry, but NONE of this would stand up in court...
                            I was just using the same assumption as the article...
                            "'Clean up your room.', 'Stand up straight.', 'Pick up your feet.', 'Take it like a man.', 'Be nice to your sister.', 'Don't mix beer and wine, ever.'. Oh yeah, 'Don't drive on the railroad track.'"

                            "Eh, Phil. That's one I happen to agree with."


                            • Spartacus
                              Registered User
                              • Mar 2003
                              • 54113

                              Re: Ask A Scientist: Deflategate Is Trumped Up Nonsense

                              Originally posted by MikeInRoch View Post
                              I was just using the same assumption as the article...
                              I don't remember T = 75 in the article?

                              Plus, since we don't KNOW who, how and where the balls were tested at half time, we can't verify what they claimed, ie. the balls were uniformly two psi under.

                              Especially if the guys that "tested" the balls at half time were the same guys that initiated the complaint.

                              You would think objectivity would demand that people use the same amount of thought into considering the pats may be innocent as considering they're guilty, wouldn't it.

                              Too bad I don't see this here, just a desperate attempt to pin something on the Pats, no matter what the facts...
                              My tebya razdavim

