What Type of Fan Are You?

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  • BuffaloRedleg
    Registered User
    • Aug 2013
    • 1270

    Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

    Originally posted by Fletch View Post
    It's actually quite the opposite. I state often that it doesn't matter what any of us think, particularly myself. If you really knew me and what I write as well as you think you do then you'd know that as a solid fact.

    Therein lies a huge part of the problem. You read more the name-calling directed at me and read what other people say about me that are complete lies, like I think that Watkins sucks. Never said that. But you can't even be honest enough to acknowledge that, can you? No, you can't. I don't really think that's much of a measure of a man to not be capable of being honest. This forum is full of those types. You make up what others say to overcome your own shortcomings in faulty asssessments and analysis. You can't handle being wrong so you turn on fellow fans. It happened incessantly long before I began posting here regularly, that much is obvious.

    You and other have trouble handling reality, not those of us on this side of the fence.

    As to what I do on game days, how I react while watching the games, what I eat, drink, etc., how the **** do you know? I don't recall seeing you at the locations where I watch the games or over at my Jets buddy's house, so what kind of presumptuous ******* do you have to be to insist that you know?

    This is exactly the problem here, the intolerance of a whole bunch of people that don't read what some others write, don't care to engage beyond the headline or unsubstantiated opinion or W/L level, and yet feel compelled to slander and put down the posts of people that do.

    I've never ever called anyone a name or made a poke at anyone other than in obvious good fun that hasn't first made a non-friendly dig at me. So go figure that out you conceited liar, if no one did it to me or others, guess what there Einstein, it wouldn't ever happen here.

    People like you are too shallow to read or engage the likes of OP, Tackledummy, coastal, Spiked, and a bunch of others, but for some ****ing reason you self-serving narcissists always seem to know what they think without reading or engaging further.

    I've taken several people on quite civilly lately upon their challenges, funny though, most of them leave those challenges hanging once I start asking the tough questions and challenging their posts. What does that say? Not much.

    You think that only you want a winning team? Talk about the height of arrogance.

    I actually post here because probably the single biggest thing that I enjoy is watching the self-proclaimed geniuses here stumble all over themselves as they lay out their assinine opinions. There's nothing more entertaining that the progression of opinion throughout the season here amongst you so-called better fans, except of course game day threads which as I said before resemble a 30-year timelapse of a small village of women on going through decades of PMS cycles.

    Either way, once again you're wrong, you're just too stubborn, arrogant, and narcissistic to admit it.

    Other than that some of us just analyze football better. Sorry to once again be the one to inform you of that. No, not all people are intellectually equal despite anyone's insistance that it's the case.
    Come down from your cross. Your problem is that you don't read other people's posts and you just cherry pick responses and ignore the ones that hurt your argument.

    You aren't interested in the truth, you are interested in trying to convince people you are right.

    But everyone already knows that, I'm just stating the obvious.


    • BuffaloRedleg
      Registered User
      • Aug 2013
      • 1270

      Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

      How about the type of fan that gives credit to the team only when they lose?

      Oh we lost that is because we are terrible. Oh we won? That is because the other team let one get away we didn't deserve to win.

      Those people are the most precious treasures of all.

      I think I fall under manic depressive btw. Sundays are just brutal for me and my poor GF that has to put up with it.


      • Fletch
        Registered User
        • May 2007
        • 3166

        Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

        Originally posted by Dr. Lecter View Post
        As to the original question I, like Op, don't get why we need to pigeonhole fans into some kind of category.

        Fact is,we are all Bills fans. We have undergone various levels of torture and pain throughout the years. Some remember the AFL championship teams. Some remember the O-fer against Miami in the 70s. Some remember the miiddle 80s with a parade of QBs like Dufek, Ferragamo and Mathiason (three guys that make EJ look like Brady). Some remember the Super Bowl agony.

        But at the end of the day we are all fans that want the team to do well. We might have different paths for the team to get there. And we might disagree as to how close they are to making those steps. But we all want them to succeed and finally win a damn Super Bow. And we are all happy that they are now staying in the Buffalo area.

        Attempts to further divide Bills fans is silly and futile. It serves no purpose. There are already enough things that do that.
        I fully agree. But apparently you miss all the posts initiating people in the early part of the season as trolls, etc.

        My reactions to posts really aren't the issue. Op complains about the same things but handles it differently maybe. That doesn't address the core problem now, does it.

        I don't insist that I'm more intelligent than any particular poster, but tell me, when I have in my signature Whaley himself quoted and on video saying that drafting Manuel was his idea, and moreover saying that he should be the one that bears full responsibility and even look for a new job if Manuel doesn't work out (as he hasn't just by the way), and posters continually challenge me and say that Manuel was Nix's decision, in your view is that an opinion, because it's definitely not a fact, worthy of respect as an intelligent position?

        Like I said, unintelligent statements make themselves. There are many homers here that are not unintelligent, but they say some of the most unintelligent things at times. We're all wrong, but there has to be a basis upon which people make statements.

        There are two types of posters here, generally speaking that is. The first type is those that either read something or independently determine that "our RBs are elite" for example, or our WRs are tops in the NFL. The basis for it is shallow, as we've now seen on those two topics, yet they throw it out there and the second that someone CIVILLY introduces a contrary opinion they are labeled "trolls" called names, slandered, maligned, etc.

        You seem to ignore that in your patrolling of the forum to start, but then also ignore that maybe some fans don't enjoy being treated like that.

        On the other side, I'm making a post to you now, no one else, if someone doesn't want to read it, fine, but then to say that they didn't read it but simultaneously know what it says is absurd. But to the point, fine, don't read it, but why the need to comment negatively if they're not interested in reading it?

        In the meantime if the person that I engaged wants to engage further, great, let's do it. Trap and I just had an exchange on Watkins. No problem. Now if he comes back and calls me a name, problem, and why shouldn't it be?

        The one thing that you ignore is that I'm civil with everyone unless they first turn on me.

        You say that you and Op don't get why we need to pigeonhole fans into some kind of category. I'm with you there. But who is the first group to pigeonhole anyone? It's the rosy-eyed people that claim we're going to the playoffs and refuse to listen to anyone else's comments on why caution might be exercised.

        I don't recall reading anywhere about this forum to "enter only if you think we're a good team."

        Here's the thing, if those people were so right, then maybe they would be justified in their views. Right?

        But season after season after season for what now, 15 years, OK, at least 10, they haven't been. So what right do they have to segregate the fans prematurely into ones that are "pessimists"? Haven't we as fans earned the right to be pessimistic?

        Op would not agree with you, I don't think, that that isn't the very first division being made here. Neither would any of the others that are classified as pessimists or any other variation of that.

        It all rolls from there if you ask me.

        I'll admit that I throw out the term "everyone" far too readily and for that I can claim fault. But it stems from situations where I'll post something, even this for example, and there will be a string of posts not addressing any of the content within that post but only slamming me. It happens to others as well.

        At some point it just becomes overwhelming and who has time to sift through to see who said what. People don't read it anyway.

        There is a "going opinion" in this forum. What I mean by that is that in the preseason the prevalent opinion is typically far more optimistic than it should be. As the season starts usually there too. Then as reality seems to kick in, as many seem to realize will happen but simply ignore until it does, then that prevailing opinion begins to be downgraded.

        Usually by the end of the season the people classified as optimists often make the pessimists appear to be optimistic. The ones that haven't changed are the so-called pessimists. Our views, opinions, and analyses are stable and consistent within a reasonable margin of error. The ironic thing is that at the end one of our typical recent seasons anyone not wanting to destroy OBD doesn't know what they're talking about.

        My point is simply this, that any opinions that go against the prevailing ones at any given time, which are an enormous moving and evolving one, are met with less than civil responses.

        Take this exchange between you and I for example. You said something in a very civil tone and I think I'm answering you in a very civil tone. That's how I post. But if you had said that I'm an *******, which is why I ignored your prior post, then perhaps I wouldn't have been as civil in my reply. But note that I ignored it.

        I appreciate your stated opinion in this post, but I will also tell you that you ignore, both in discussion as well as in patroling here, the little jabs by others that have no basis in the original content of the thread yet that cause these threads to disintegrate rapidly.

        One example is that I'll post a poll. It's a simple question with no commentary. Yet, people overreact and go bananas and start saying things and calling me names. It was a simple question, such as "Is Manuel a Bust?" Why should that question spark that kind of stuff? Why? Answer that and you'll start seeing much more of the problem.

        In the meantime, after all the names I was called, three weeks later most people agree, and on top of that, all of a sudden articles that I've posted for two years from draft day to now, all of a sudden "we should have seen." Well, since they were presented here, numerous times (20?), why weren't they?

        They were, but they were ignored. So you can figure out what that says about the matter, how people respond, as well as corporate intelligence.

        The intollerance here is primarily fueled by anything that goes against the prevailing opinions, which more often than not early in the season are not based on facts.

        I will make a conscious effort to not use the term "everyone" or mass categorize posters though in the future. I don't mean anything by it and I use the term very very generally although there's no way that anyone can know that unless they know me. It's a common criticism of me that I will directly attempt to address here moving ahead. But apart from that consider what I said because I think you've got a lot of it backwards.

        Post #46

        Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
        (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
        Originally Posted by pmoon6
        The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

        You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

        Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

        The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

        "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

        "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

        "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

        Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

        "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


        • Fletch
          Registered User
          • May 2007
          • 3166

          Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

          Originally posted by BuffaloRedleg View Post
          Come down from your cross. Your problem is that you don't read other people's posts and you just cherry pick responses and ignore the ones that hurt your argument.
          That's ridiculous. People state often that they don't read my posts. Fine, but then they shouldn't respond as if they did. Right?

          I read every post that I reply to, and exactly as in this case will call out the part that I'm responding to.

          A ridiculously invalid conclusion on your part.

          Post #46

          Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
          (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
          Originally Posted by pmoon6
          The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

          You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

          Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

          The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

          "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

          "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

          "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

          Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

          "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


          • imbondz
            Democrats are people too
            • Jan 2003
            • 26041

            Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

            I took a knife to my leg after the Cowboys beat us 52-17 in SB #3 and drew blood I was so pissed and depressed. So not sure which one I am, I didn't see that on the list.
            My faith doesn’t make me perfect, it makes me forgiven.


            • Fletch
              Registered User
              • May 2007
              • 3166

              Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

              Originally posted by feldspar View Post
              I already have a strong case that you are a douchebag. That won't change unless your attitude changes, particularly regarding your attitude towards those you disagree with. There is a reason why many, many posters here think that, and it's not the reason you think.
              Nothing here will ever change until such a time as the mob doesn't call anyone and everything that doesn't agree with the majority of posters a troll and other assorted things. That's always the first stone cast. The rest cascades from there.

              I realize won't see it that way.

              Post #46

              Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
              (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
              Originally Posted by pmoon6
              The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

              You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

              Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

              The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

              "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

              "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

              "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

              Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

              "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


              • THATHURMANATOR
                Registered User
                • Jul 2002
                • 69112

                Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                I love the Bills.

                I have been to every home game for the last 14 years.

                I have fun regardless and don't let them ruin my life either way.

                While at the game I am an emotional roller coaster (anyone sitting near me can attest to that)


                • Fletch
                  Registered User
                  • May 2007
                  • 3166

                  Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                  Originally posted by Night Train View Post
                  I'll look at the Bills the way I chose to look at them. In year 50 of viewing them and always willing to see something good happen..like Watkins catch with a second left.
                  I don't think that there's a fan here that didn't cheer when that catch was made. I know I did. I was jacked.

                  But here's the difference, then the game ends and we analyze it here, and part of that analysis is why did we need a last second catch in a home game against Minnesota, featuring a QB that hadn't even thrown a TD in the NFL, and a rookie RB who's playing in his first season in the NFL and a defense that has no particular strength just to win the game.

                  I guess some of us are fine sitting here all week until the next game gloating over a game winning drive to post our third score of the game against a team that scored more against our "#1 rushing defense" than they have in 4 of their other 6 games, in our backyard, in a game that we really needed to put away without any issues, while others of us realize that such play isn't matching what we're being told about being a playoff team, or even a #1 rushing D, which is now #5 and could be out of the top 10 if we can't stop the Jets from running on us like they did last season or against NE last week.

                  Watkins play was great on Sunday, but the play of the rest of the team with only one or two exceptions was not good and far from good enough to win us more games if it doesn't change.

                  Post #46

                  Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
                  (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
                  Originally Posted by pmoon6
                  The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

                  You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

                  Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

                  The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

                  "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

                  "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

                  "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

                  Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

                  "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


                  • THATHURMANATOR
                    Registered User
                    • Jul 2002
                    • 69112

                    Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                    Originally posted by Fletch View Post
                    I don't think that there's a fan here that didn't cheer when that catch was made. I know I did. I was jacked.

                    But here's the difference, then the game ends and we analyze it here, and part of that analysis is why did we need a last second catch in a home game against Minnesota, featuring a QB that hadn't even thrown a TD in the NFL, and a rookie RB who's playing in his first season in the NFL and a defense that has no particular strength just to win the game.

                    I guess some of us are fine sitting here all week until the next game gloating over a game winning drive to post our third score of the game against a team that scored more against our "#1 rushing defense" than they have in 4 of their other 6 games, in our backyard, in a game that we really needed to put away without any issues, while others of us realize that such play isn't matching what we're being told about being a playoff team, or even a #1 rushing D, which is now #5 and could be out of the top 10 if we can't stop the Jets from running on us like they did last season or against NE last week.

                    Watkins play was great on Sunday, but the play of the rest of the team with only one or two exceptions was not good and far from good enough to win us more games if it doesn't change.
                    My buddies and I went nuts when we won the game but walking out we did say that we should have killed that team and got lucky. The crowd wasn't as amped on the way out as you might have expected for such an exciting win.


                    • SpikedLemonade
                      • Jun 2024

                      Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                      I am a fan who just needs to see hope in the future success of his team.

                      Even if the Bills improve to 8-8 this year, we are so vulnerable that I don't see us going to 10-6 next year.


                      • BuffaloRedleg
                        Registered User
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 1270

                        Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                        Originally posted by Fletch View Post
                        That's ridiculous. People state often that they don't read my posts. Fine, but then they shouldn't respond as if they did. Right?

                        I read every post that I reply to, and exactly as in this case will call out the part that I'm responding to.

                        A ridiculously invalid conclusion on your part.
                        You have still refused to address my point that yes the Bills beat the Lions when they had their best player injured, yet the Saints lost to the Lions with essentially the same team. This matters Fletch, this is just basic comparative analysis. This is how you get to to the real answers instead of just making qualitative statements that aren't really provable. I asked you multiple times, but you kept ignoring it.

                        That is what we're talking about. That is why you are insufferable and piss people off. You aren't really interested in getting to the bottom of anything, you are only interested in yourself. If you are going to put yourself out there like you do then you ought to be fully engaged. It's a free country and an internet forum do what you want, but usually you just kind of look like a coward when backed into a corner instead of actually acknowledging anyone else's points.
                        Last edited by BuffaloRedleg; 10-24-2014, 09:15 AM.


                        • coastal
                          Legendary Zoner
                          • Mar 2005
                          • 15513

                          Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                          Gibby = fletch

                          Last edited by coastal; 10-24-2014, 09:44 AM.


                          • Fletch
                            Registered User
                            • May 2007
                            • 3166

                            Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                            Originally posted by BuffaloRedleg View Post
                            You have still refused to address my point that yes the Bills beat the Lions when they had their best player injured, yet the Saints lost to the Lions with essentially the same team.
                            OK, I'll address it. Then you address my equally irrelevant questions. Fair?

                            Who cares about New Orleans. Isn't it quite possible that NO is a struggling team? Who's on NO these days besides Brees? They have no good RBs. Were you aware of that? They have no RB that has ever even sniffed 1,000 rushing yards in a season. Their best, Thomas, who's huge season was less than 800 yards, is now hurt.

                            Besides Jimmy Graham they really don't have any great WRs. Colston is good, but hardly great, and he's limited in his strengths if you've ever watched him play as I know you have.

                            Why do you think that NO is some kind of standard here? I don't get it.

                            OK, now my turn to ask a question.

                            We barely beat Chicago. Miami pretty much dusted them last week in a very well-rounded style. They also beat NE.

                            So is Miami a better team than we are?

                            Same thing.

                            This kind of reasoning is irrelevant. If you use that as reference points then you can make any team or player better than another.

                            Brian Quick put up nearly as many receiving yards against Minnesota as Watkins did, is he as good as Watkins now too? Or even close?


                            Post #46

                            Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
                            (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
                            Originally Posted by pmoon6
                            The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

                            You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

                            Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

                            The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

                            "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

                            "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

                            "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

                            Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

                            "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


                            • Fletch
                              Registered User
                              • May 2007
                              • 3166

                              Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                              Originally posted by THATHURMANATOR View Post
                              My buddies and I went nuts when we won the game but walking out we did say that we should have killed that team and got lucky. The crowd wasn't as amped on the way out as you might have expected for such an exciting win.
                              My point exactly.

                              So why are we expected to ride a high of a single drive for an entire week in a game that should have been a romp?

                              The question isn't necessarily directed at you, just throwing it out there generally speaking.

                              Post #46

                              Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
                              (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
                              Originally Posted by pmoon6
                              The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

                              You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

                              Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

                              The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

                              "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

                              "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

                              "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

                              Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

                              "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley


                              • Fletch
                                Registered User
                                • May 2007
                                • 3166

                                Re: What Type of Fan Are You?

                                Originally posted by SpikedLemonade View Post
                                I am a fan who just needs to see hope in the future success of his team.

                                Even if the Bills improve to 8-8 this year, we are so vulnerable that I don't see us going to 10-6 next year.
                                I don't even see us going 8-8 this year. I have no idea how we beat Denver, GB, or NE. Then we have road games in NY, Miami, and Oakland where we've never won. Part of me says the same thing about that Raiders game, we should win that going away. But will we?

                                Cleveland's playing better and more consistently than we are too. Which four games are we going to win?

                                Are we going to start scoring more than 17 points and using all four quarters to do it?

                                How good is Bryce Brown really? Dixon clearly isn't a 3-down RB.

                                Why aren't the TDs coming with all of Orton's extra yardage?

                                How come our "elite and formerly #1 rushing D" can't seem to stop any good RBs that play at full strength? If McKinnon is any indication, playing with Bridgewater, then why shouldn't we expect the Jets to run on us like they just ran all over NE with Smith at the helm?

                                Why doesn't more than 1 WR usually have a good day?

                                How is this team going to play without FredEx's contributions in the receiving game and his 3-down presence overall?

                                Lots of questions and more, I guess we'll know more on Sunday.

                                Post #46

                                Originally posted by Yasgur's Farm
                                (Moderator) My name's Max Yasgur, and I approve of this post.
                                Originally Posted by pmoon6
                                The idea that you "won't settle" presumes that you have some kind of control. Delusional thinking at best for a supposed fan of a spectators' sport. Your way to deal with it is to constantly ***** and denigrate any move, any result concerning the team even if it's positive because you don't want your whittle feewings hurt again. It's a protection mechanism.

                                You shroud your childish approach in a vale of pompous, intellectual garbage in an attempt to look smart and "real". You over-analyze even minute points and manipulate statistics to fit your negative view of the team. Again, to feel good about yourself and to protect from getting hurt.

                                Of course, the criticisms are obviously from someone who has no understanding of the team concept or what it takes to excel at athletics.

                                The true "realist" understands that they have no control of what happens on the field or behind the closed doors at One Bills' Drive, so they do the prudent thing for a spectator. They enjoy the games on Sunday with family and friends, cheer for their team and realize that it's just entertainment.

                                "I was an integral part in the drafting process of EJ Manuel," Whaley said Thursday on NFL Network's Total Access. "I was the person that handled the draft process and setting up the board."

                                "We are committed. I want you to believe me when I say that," Whaley said of building around the second-year quarterback, per The Buffalo News. "I always tell you guys that I'll never say never because I don't want to paint myself in a corner, but when I do say something, I do it and I mean it and I try to fulfill it."

                                "We believe the addition of Sammy is going to be instant impact, not only to our quarterback, but to what our offensive coordinator can come up with game-plan wise and how defenses attack us," Whaley said.

                                Whaley on EJ Manuel: "We think we got a gem in this guy." (2:30)

                                "And as Mark says, if in three years maybe he's not [our quarterback of the future], then I'll be sitting there saying 'hey guys', .... anybody got a job for me?" - Doug Whaley

